My Party Box
(314 Card Cube)
Art by Ralph HorsleyArt by Ralph Horsley
314 Card Battle Box Judge Tower Multiplayer Silver-bordered Cube1 follower
Designed by LuckyBit

A curated collection of my favorite cards, either by how fun they are to resolve, or by memories of games past. Inspired by PleasantKenobi.

  1. Party Box is a multiplayer format where everyone shares the same deck and graveyard.
  2. You may play a single card face down on your turn as your land for turn.
  3. Face-down cards are "Basic Snow Land"s with "t: Add 1 of any type of mana"
  4. When the library would be searched to put a land card into play, manifest the top card of the library as per the rule above. Treat any instances of searching for, then adding a land to your hand as drawing a card. In all other cases, the library can not be searched.
  5. The library can't be shuffled. If cards would be be put in or under the library, exile them instead. ("On Top" is fine)
  6. Anything without a cost may be cast for free.
  7. Blank foils are wildcards; cast them as any MTG card that hasn't already been played in this game.
  8. When an effect references a "Magic booster pack" ignore the "Magic" part of the text.
  9. If a card is added to your hand, or played from outside the game, sign and date the card as it is now a permanent addition to the party box.

. Anything that by it self would end the game upon resolving. (ex: Leveler)
. Total board wipes (ex: Worldfire, Warp World, The Great Aurora, Worldpurge, Upheaval)
. The following Types: Conspiracy, Dungeon, Emblem, Phenomenon, Plane, Scheme, Vanguard

The Wastes listed are stripped foils I'm using as wildcards.

Here are the cards in my Party Box that could not be listed:

Gabumon (BT1-029)Digimon TCG
TRIGGER WARNING: ____.Cards Against Humanity
Monster Reborn, Exodia the Forbidden One (plus his arms and legs), Fabled LurrieYugioh
Wild Draw 4, Blue Skip, Red ReverseUNO
Jinbe (OP02-033), Kaido (OP08-079)One Piece
Vaporizing Eyebeams (Golden Bat)Unmatched: Tales to Amaze
Ancient Mew, Lapras 031/142Pokemon TCG
Chernabog - Evildoer (3/204 EN 3)Lorcana
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