Beginner Cube Rejects
(1030 Card Cube)
Cards will appear as duplicates if they fit in multiple categories. The counts will still only count each item once.
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Creature (108)
Champion of the Parish
Charmed Stray
Doomed Traveler
Garrison Cat
Gideon's Lawkeeper
Hunted Witness
Icatian Javelineers
Isamaru, Hound of Konda
Law-Rune Enforcer
Novice Knight
Rustwing Falcon
Savannah Lions
Sea Gate Banneret
Tragic Poet
Alpine Watchdog
Beskir Shieldmate
Cavalry Pegasus
Checkpoint Officer
Clarion Spirit
Concordia Pegasus
Daybreak Chaplain
Daybreak Charger
Errant Doomsayers
Hero of Precinct One
Hero of the Pride
Kor Spiritdancer
Lone Missionary
Luminarch Aspirant
Mesa Lynx
Ninth Bridge Patrol
Oreskos Swiftclaw
Raptor Companion
Skyline Scout
Starfield Mystic
Thalia's Lieutenant
Trustworthy Scout
Zhalfirin Decoy
Angelheart Protector
Battalion Foot Soldier
Benalish Marshal
Blessed Spirits
Cathar's Companion
Court Street Denizen
Devout Chaplain
Everdawn Champion
Exultant Skymarcher
Farsight Adept
Ironclad Slayer
Kemba, Kha Regent
Kor Celebrant
Linden, the Steadfast Queen
Pegasus Courser
Perimeter Sergeant
Silverblade Paladin
Skyhunter Skirmisher
Slith Ascendant
Starnheim Courser
Territorial Hammerskull
Trusty Packbeast
Village Bell-Ringer
Vryn Wingmare
Warchanter Skald
Aethershield Artificer
Ajani's Chosen
Angel of Finality
Armored Skyhunter
Daysquad Marshal
Felidar Guardian
Gallant Cavalry
Glimmerpoint Stag
Hero of the Winds
High Sentinels of Arashin
Inspiring Unicorn
Lagonna-Band Storyteller
Leonin Abunas
Leonin Warleader
Master Splicer
Paragon of New Dawns
Sanctum Gargoyle
Star-Crowned Stag
Trusty Retriever
Angel of Mercy
Archon of Justice
Dawning Angel
Enforcer Griffin
Herald of Faith
Hixus, Prison Warden
Patagia Tiger
Steel-Plume Marshal
Victory's Envoy
Ancestor Dragon
Angel of Renewal
Bulwark Giant
Crovax, Ascendant Hero
Harmonious Archon
Loxodon Lifechanter
Serra's Guardian
Sunblast Angel
Wispweaver Angel
Seraph of the Suns
Serra Avatar
Silent Sentinel
Reya Dawnbringer
Instant (26)
Built to Last
Defiant Strike
Rebuff the Wicked
Slash of Talons
Stave Off
Adamant Will
Celestial Flare
Desperate Lunge
Divine Arrow
Flicker of Fate
Gideon's Reproach
Long Road Home
Mighty Leap
Swift Response
Acrobatic Maneuver
Eerie Interlude
Make a Stand
Skywhaler's Shot
Rally to Battle
Settle the Wreckage
Blessed Light
Sorcery (13)
Gird for Battle
Swallow Whole
Eternal Isolation
Angelic Purge
Bring to Trial
Citywide Bust
Slaughter the Strong
Ajani's Influence
Angelic Edict
Iona's Judgment
Settle Beyond Reality
Planar Cleansing
Enchantment (18)
Glaring Aegis
Gryff's Boon
Valor of the Worthy
All That Glitters
Suspension Field
Gauntlets of Light
Ghostly Possession
Promise of Tomorrow
Sanctuary Lockdown
Tempered Steel
Faith Unbroken
Sage's Reverie
Blessed Sanctuary
Cathars' Crusade
Knightly Valor
Sigil of the Empty Throne
Celestial Mantle
Creature (93)
Caller of Gales
Gearsmith Prodigy
Jace's Phantasm
Overwhelmed Apprentice
Slither Blade
Augury Owl
Brineborn Cutthroat
Daring Saboteur
Departed Deckhand
Deranged Assistant
Glint-Nest Crane
Harbinger of the Tides
Kitesail Corsair
Mystic Archaeologist
Passwall Adept
Purple-Crystal Crab
Sage of Lat-Nam
Sigiled Starfish
Sky Theater Strix
Stitcher's Apprentice
Supreme Phantom
Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive
Warkite Marauder
Alirios, Enraptured
Aven Wind Mage
Aviation Pioneer
Draugr Thought-Thief
Exclusion Mage
Library Larcenist
Merfolk Wayfinder
Mirror Image
Mystic Skyfish
Nebelgast Herald
Sai, Master Thopterist
Sailor of Means
Scroll Thief
Selhoff Occultist
Skilled Animator
Soaring Show-Off
Stitched Drake
Stitched Mangler
Surrakar Spellblade
Tempest Djinn
Thieving Otter
Tome Raider
Windrider Wizard
Academy Elite
Charix, the Raging Isle
Clever Impersonator
Expedition Diviner
Faerie Mechanist
Muse Drake
Nivix Barrier
Paragon of Gathering Mists
Scholar of Stars
Sower of Temptation
Stitchwing Skaab
Thunder Drake
Vedalken Archmage
Weldfast Wingsmith
Wishcoin Crab
Academy Journeymage
Advanced Stitchwing
Air Elemental
Aven Surveyor
Battleground Geist
Body of Knowledge
Boreal Elemental
Cloudreader Sphinx
Lone Revenant
Magus of the Future
Murder of Crows
Prosperous Pirates
Salvager of Secrets
Steelgaze Griffin
Windrider Patrol
Atemsis, All-Seeing
Consecrated Sphinx
Riddlemaster Sphinx
Sharding Sphinx
Soul of Ravnica
Sphinx of Enlightenment
Agent of Treachery
Scholar of the Ages
Scourge of Fleets
Planeswalker (4)
Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer
Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
Jace, Ingenious Mind-Mage
Mu Yanling
Instant (20)
Select for Inspection
Disdainful Stroke
Essence Capture
Frantic Inventory
Artificer's Epiphany
Ghostly Flicker
Thought Collapse
Wizard's Retort
Bone to Ash
Engulf the Shore
Prying Eyes
Into the Story
Sorcery (24)
Serum Visions
Flood of Recollection
Mind Spring
Shimmer of Possibility
Stolen by the Fae
Anchor to the Aether
Clear the Mind
Drag Under
Lullmage's Domination
Of One Mind
Temporal Machinations
Amass the Components
Distant Melody
One with the Machine
Whelming Wave
Brilliant Plan
Rush of Knowledge
Captivating Gyre
Flood of Tears
Interpret the Signs
River's Rebuke
Artifact (3)
Mantle of Tides
Witching Well
The Magic Mirror
Enchantment (20)
Aqueous Form
Arcane Flight
Ensoul Artifact
Kasmina's Transmutation
Military Intelligence
Stratus Walk
Teferi's Tutelage
Capture Sphere
Coastal Piracy
Oracle's Insight
Teferi's Ageless Insight
Thopter Spy Network
Enthralling Hold
Patient Rebuilding
Creature (129)
Carrion Feeder
Carrion Feeder
Diregraf Ghoul
Drainpipe Vermin
Grasping Scoundrel
Grim Physician
Liliana's Steward
Plagued Rusalka
Shambling Goblin
Tenacious Dead
Thornbow Archer
Vampire Lacerator
Vampire Neonate
Whisper Squad
Apprentice Necromancer
Black Cat
Blood Artist
Blood Burglar
Bloodsky Berserker
Burglar Rat
Cordial Vampire
Daggerdrome Imp
Durable Coilbug
Duskmantle Operative
Elderfang Disciple
Fetid Imp
Graveyard Marshal
Hand of Silumgar
Kitesail Freebooter
Malevolent Noble
Malevolent Noble
Masked Blackguard
Reassembling Skeleton
Shambling Ghoul
Skemfar Avenger
Undead Augur
Walking Corpse
Wight of Precinct Six
Yarok's Fenlurker
Audacious Thief
Ayara, First of Locthwain
Bloodflow Connoisseur
Bloodflow Connoisseur
Cadaver Imp
Cursed Minotaur
Deadbridge Shaman
Demon's Disciple
Dread Shade
Drudge Sentinel
Dutiful Attendant
Fleshbag Marauder
Guul Draz Mucklord
Hagra Constrictor
Hired Blade
Infernal Pet
Koma's Faithful
Lawless Broker
Liliana's Devotee
Lord of the Accursed
Lost Legion
Lys Alana Scarblade
Marauding Boneslasher
Nadier's Nightblade
Nightsquad Commando
Nocturnal Feeder
Phyrexian Broodlings
Phyrexian Rager
Ravenous Harpy
Ravenous Harpy
Rotting Regisaur
Savage Gorger
Skymarch Bloodletter
Spinal Centipede
Spinal Centipede
Urborg Syphon-Mage
Vampire Envoy
Vraska's Finisher
Xathrid Necromancer
Accursed Horde
Accursed Horde
Bloodhunter Bat
Carrion Imp
Dread Presence
Driver of the Dead
Erebos's Titan
Falkenrath Noble
Fell Specter
Gavony Unhallowed
Nightshade Harvester
Nimana Skitter-Sneak
Null Caller
Ovalchase Daredevil
Paragon of Open Graves
Ravenous Chupacabra
Skemfar Shadowsage
Skyclave Shadowcat
Sling-Gang Lieutenant
Thallid Soothsayer
Undercity Necrolisk
Wicked Guardian
Epicure of Blood
Fallen Angel
Ghoulcaller Gisa
Gruesome Scourger
Kalastria Nightwatch
Phyrexian Delver
Rotfeaster Maggot
Ruthless Winnower
Sengir Vampire
Stromkirk Patrol
Swarm of Bloodflies
Titan Hunter
Vampire Sovereign
Vengeful Warchief
Apocalypse Demon
Champion of Stray Souls
Feral Abomination
Maalfeld Twins
Massacre Wurm
Noxious Dragon
Tithebearer Giant
Butcher of Malakir
Gloom Sower
Vilis, Broker of Blood
Planeswalker (1)
Ob Nixilis Reignited
Instant (29)
Coat with Venom
Erebos's Intervention
Fungal Infection
Supernatural Stamina
Touch of Moonglove
Abnormal Endurance
Cast Down
Costly Plunder
Grasp of Darkness
Grotesque Mutation
Heartless Act
Last Gasp
Oblivion's Hunger
Sorin's Thirst
Ultimate Price
Unlikely Aid
Induce Despair
Ob Nixilis's Cruelty
Renegade's Getaway
Soul Shatter
Undercity's Embrace
Vanquish the Weak
Dark Bargain
Tendrils of Corruption
Final Death
Tidy Conclusion
Sorcery (44)
Bone Splinters
Spark Harvest
Bankrupt in Blood
Epic Downfall
Feed the Swarm
Forever Young
Macabre Waltz
Mire in Misery
Night's Whisper
Ransack the Lab
Reave Soul
Return from Extinction
Sign in Blood
Walk the Plank
Mind Drain
Mind Rot
Mind Rot
Pact of the Serpent
Ambition's Cost
Barter in Blood
Bitter Revelation
Blood Divination
Creeping Chill
Davriel's Shadowfugue
Extinction Event
Liliana's Spoils
Ritual of Soot
Fraying Omnipotence
Gruesome Menagerie
Liturgy of Blood
Living Death
Rise from the Grave
Rise from the Grave
Bad Deal
Command the Dreadhorde
Necrotic Hex
Rise of the Dark Realms
Enchantment (15)
Dead Weight
Death's Approach
Demonic Vigor
Kaya's Ghostform
Infernal Scarring
Mire's Grasp
Stab Wound
Underworld Dreams
Unholy Indenture
Grave Pact
Ill-Gotten Inheritance
Inner Demon
Liliana's Mastery
Open the Graves
Revel in Riches
Creature (102)
Blisterspit Gremlin
Dragonmaster Outcast
Forge Devil
Frenzied Goblin
Goblin Balloon Brigade
Goblin Fireslinger
Goblin Motivator
Grim Lavamancer
Insolent Neonate
Scorch Spitter
Sneaking Guide
Weaselback Redcap
Altac Bloodseeker
Borderland Marauder
Chandra's Magmutt
Chandra's Pyreling
Cheering Fanatic
Dismissive Pyromancer
Dragon Hatchling
Ember Hauler
Feral Maaka
Firebrand Archer
Fissure Wizard
Goblin Assailant
Goblin Bird-Grabber
Goblin Cratermaker
Goblin Instigator
Goblin Piledriver
Goblin Shortcutter
Goblin Trailblazer
Humble Defector
Igneous Cur
Incendiary Oracle
Mogg Flunkies
Orcish Vandal
Ornery Goblin
Pack Mastiff
Pathmaker Initiate
Ravenous Intruder
Reckless Fireweaver
Smelt-Ward Ignus
Tibalt's Rager
Torch Fiend
Vault Robber
Viashino Pyromancer
Bloodrock Cyclops
Boggart Brute
Brazen Scourge
Breakneck Berserker
Chandra's Spitfire
Goblin Smuggler
Grotag Night-Runner
Irencrag Pyromancer
Molten Ravager
Onakke Ogre
Spellgorger Weird
Storm Caller
Basalt Ravager
Bloodshot Trainee
Brazen Freebooter
Dagger Caster
Embereth Skyblazer
Enthralling Victor
Firewing Phoenix
Goblin Goon
Goblin Ringleader
Goblin Trashmaster
Havoc Devils
Keldon Raider
Lavakin Brawler
Lavakin Brawler
Mad Ratter
Paragon of Fierce Defiance
Ravenous Giant
Rekindling Phoenix
Rockslide Sorcerer
Scampering Scorcher
Skyraker Giant
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
Volley Veteran
Wildfire Elemental
Barrage Ogre
Battle Squadron
Fire Elemental
Firefist Adept
Hellkite Whelp
Heroes of the Revel
Pitchburn Devils
Pyroclastic Elemental
Rapacious Dragon
Rubblebelt Recluse
Skophos Warleader
Terror of the Peaks
Etali, Primal Storm
Igneous Elemental
Ripscale Predator
Rumbling Ruin
Warmonger Hellkite
Hamletback Goliath
Planeswalker (5)
Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
Tibalt, Rakish Instigator
Jaya Ballard
Chandra, Flame's Catalyst
Chandra, Flame's Fury
Instant (27)
Brute Force
Lightning Axe
Lightning Bolt
Magma Spray
Brute Strength
Chandra's Pyrohelix
Commune with Lava
Fire Prophecy
Nahiri's Stoneblades
Run Amok
Scorching Dragonfire
Volcanic Geyser
Flame Spill
Flame Sweep
Hungry Flames
Molten Blast
Welding Sparks
Wizard's Lightning
Chandra's Outrage
Dance with Devils
Clash of Titans
Inescapable Blaze
Sorcery (23)
Claim the Firstborn
Pillar of Flame
Cathartic Reunion
Rolling Thunder
Spitting Earth
Thundering Rebuke
Tormenting Voice
Anger of the Gods
Flames of the Firebrand
Meteor Blast
Molten Birth
Chain Reaction
Irencrag Feat
Rumbling Rockslide
Storm's Wrath
Cone of Flame
Reduce to Ashes
Sundering Stroke
Artifact (1)
Pyrite Spellbomb
Enchantment (9)
Barrage of Expendables
Weaponize the Monsters
Inferno Fist
Undying Rage
Iroas's Blessing
Sneak Attack
Burning Anger
Fiery Emancipation
Warstorm Surge
Creature (96)
Frilled Sandwalla
Fyndhorn Elves
Healer of the Glade
Ivy Elemental
Pelt Collector
Portcullis Vine
Sedge Scorpion
Servant of the Scale
Tukatongue Thallid
Barkhide Troll
Brindle Shoat
Druid of the Cowl
Dwynen's Elite
Elvish Vanguard
Elvish Visionary
Elvish Warmaster
Feral Prowler
Genesis Hydra
Greenwood Sentinel
Hardy Veteran
Herald of the Pantheon
Humble Naturalist
Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse
Leafkin Druid
Paradise Druid
Runeclaw Bear
Steelbane Hydra
Syr Faren, the Hengehammer
Terrain Elemental
Territorial Boar
Thorn Lieutenant
Thornweald Archer
Wandering Wolf
Woodland Champion
Arlinn's Wolf
Aura Gnarlid
Azusa, Lost but Seeking
Centaur Courser
Champion of Lambholt
Daggerback Basilisk
Dungrove Elder
Elvish Archdruid
Eternal Witness
Ferocious Pup
Generous Stray
Hornet Nest
Imperious Perfect
Llanowar Tribe
Marwyn, the Nurturer
Overgrowth Elemental
Steel Leaf Champion
Yavimaya Enchantress
Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig
Ambassador Oak
Beast Whisperer
Burlfist Oak
Canopy Tactician
Centaur Nurturer
Druid of Horns
Gaea's Protector
Gnarlback Rhino
Immaculate Magistrate
Joraga Visionary
Llanowar Empath
Lys Alana Huntmaster
Paragon of Eternal Wilds
Prized Unicorn
Somberwald Alpha
Sylvan Messenger
Thicket Crasher
Vizier of the Menagerie
Voice of Many
Wirewood Channeler
Biogenic Ooze
Crash of Rhino Beetles
Garruk's Gorehorn
Garruk's Packleader
Gnarled Sage
Ironscale Hydra
Mammoth Spider
Mitotic Slime
Turntimber Ascetic
Vigilant Baloth
Wardscale Crocodile
Affectionate Indrik
Destructor Dragon
Honey Mammoth
Primordial Wurm
Soul of the Harvest
Ghastbark Twins
Regal Force
Thorn Elemental
Treeshaker Chimera
Planeswalker (3)
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
Garruk Wildspeaker
Garruk, Primal Hunter
Instant (12)
Giant Growth
Might of the Masses
Ancient Animus
Grapple with the Past
Ram Through
Band Together
Clear Shot
Fungal Rebirth
Hunter's Insight
Collected Company
Elven Ambush
Second Harvest
Sorcery (21)
Adventurous Impulse
Commune with Nature
Gelatinous Genesis
Prey Upon
Primal Might
Aggressive Instinct
Commune with the Gods
Epic Confrontation
Nature's Spiral
Rabid Bite
Rampant Growth
Seek the Wilds
Survivors' Bond
Bounty of Skemfar
Genesis Wave
Lead the Stampede
Explosive Vegetation
Hunt the Weak
Bestial Menace
Enchantment (17)
Abundant Growth
Hardened Scales
Karametra's Favor
Season of Growth
Setessan Training
Warbriar Blessing
Ayula's Influence
Blanchwood Armor
Branching Evolution
Elemental Bond
Elephant Guide
Gift of Paradise
Hydra's Growth
Squirrel Nest
Wilderness Reclamation
Wolfkin Bond
Primeval Bounty
Creature (10)
Locthwain Gargoyle
Perilous Myr
Runed Servitor
Sorcerer's Broom
Steel Overseer
Adaptive Automaton
Brass Squire
Chief of the Foundry
Foundry Inspector
Shambling Suit
Artifact (18)
Chromatic Star
Manifold Key
Prying Blade
Goldvein Pick
Prismatic Lens
Relic Amulet
Sleeper Dart
Cloud Key
Powerstone Shard
Seer's Lantern
Slayer's Plate
Spinning Wheel
Unstable Obelisk
Icy Manipulator
Alhammarret's Archive
Conjurer's Closet
Gauntlet of Power
Tome of the Guildpact
Azorius (19)
Dramatic Rescue
Kwain, Itinerant Meddler
Deputy of Detention
Dovin's Acuity
Drogskol Captain
Geist of Saint Traft
Sphinx's Revelation
Aerial Engineer
Brago, King Eternal
Elite Guardmage
Righteous Authority
Time Wipe
Cunning Breezedancer
Dovin, Architect of Law
Dovin, Architect of Law
Kiss of the Amesha
Teferi, Timebender
Dimir (5)
Tyrant's Scorn
Warped Physique
Jorubai Murk Lurker
Duskmantle Seer
Psychic Symbiont
Rakdos (6)
Rakdos Roustabout
Unlicensed Disintegration
Kardur, Doomscourge
Ogre Siegebreaker
Rakdos Firewheeler
Gruul (11)
Creeping Trailblazer
Ground Assault
Ruination Rioter
Savage Twister
Domri, Anarch of Bolas
Draconic Disciple
Rumbling Slum
Sunder Shaman
Zendikar Incarnate
Bolrac-Clan Crusher
Escape to the Wilds
Selesnya (18)
Call of the Conclave
Selesnya Evangel
Centaur Peacemaker
Ironroot Warlord
Knight of Autumn
Ledev Champion
Satyr Enchanter
Siona, Captain of the Pyleas
Advent of the Wurm
Join Shields
Juniper Order Ranger
Maja, Bretagard Protector
Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves
Armada Wurm
Pollenbright Wings
Tolsimir Wolfblood
Belligerent Brontodon
Orzhov (14)
Corpse Knight
Cruel Celebrant
Dire Tactics
Final Payment
Zealous Persecution
Pillory of the Sleepless
Basilica Bell-Haunt
One Thousand Lashes
Utter End
Grasping Thrull
Angel of Despair
Izzet (22)
Improbable Alliance
Lightning Stormkin
Invoke the Firemind
Rielle, the Everwise
Umara Mystic
Wee Dragonauts
Channeled Force
Crackling Drake
Ral's Outburst
Reclusive Artificer
Stormchaser Chimera
Mercurial Chemister
Prophetic Bolt
Thundering Djinn
Blast of Genius
Melek, Izzet Paragon
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
Ral, Caller of Storms
Golgari (19)
Abrupt Decay
Assassin's Trophy
Blightsoil Druid
Grisly Salvage
Kin-Tree Invocation
Gaze of Granite
Grakmaw, Skyclave Ravager
Harald, King of Skemfar
Shaman of the Pack
Corpsejack Menace
Golgari Findbroker
Vraska, Golgari Queen
Lord of Extinction
Moldervine Reclamation
Twinblade Assassins
Vulturous Zombie
Casualties of War
Vraska, Regal Gorgon
Boros (11)
Akroan Hoplite
Alpine Houndmaster
Justice Strike
Lightning Helix
Weapons Trainer
Akiri, Fearless Voyager
Iroas's Champion
Haktos the Unscarred
Heartwarming Redemption
Solar Blaze
Warleader's Helix
Simic (13)
Growth Spiral
Maraleaf Pixie
Bred for the Hunt
Gyre Engineer
Lorescale Coatl
Primal Empathy
Risen Reef
Trygon Predator
Master Biomancer
Skyrider Patrol
Tatyova, Benthic Druid
Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait
Experiment Kraj
Grixis (1)
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker