The Gothic Horror Cube (UNFIN)
(101 Card Cube)
Cards will appear as duplicates if they fit in multiple categories. The counts will still only count each item once.
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Creature (1)
Ludevic's Test Subject
Sorcery (1)
Deadly Allure
Azorius (13)
Saving Grasp
Dennick, Pious Apprentice
Devoted Grafkeeper
Dorothea, Vengeful Victim
Faithful Mending
Feeling of Dread
Brine Comber
Drogskol Captain
Geist of Saint Traft
Invocation of Saint Traft
Spectral Shepherd
Spell Queller
Drogskol Reaver
Dimir (11)
Bladestitched Skaab
Corpse Cobble
Ludevic, Necrogenius
Skull Skaab
Diregraf Captain
Forbidden Alchemy
Prized Amalgam
Reap the Seagraf
Drunau Corpse Trawler
Gisa and Geralf
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
Rakdos (8)
Bump in the Night
Hungry for More
Olivia's Bloodsworn
Fires of Undeath
Stromkirk Captain
Bloodhall Priest
Falkenrath Aristocrat
Olivia Voldaren
Gruul (10)
Ancient Grudge
Kessig Naturalist
Unnatural Moonrise
Tovolar, Dire Overlord
Ulrich's Kindred
Wild Hunger
Child of the Pack
Huntmaster of the Fells
Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
Selesnya (9)
Avacyn's Pilgrim
Join the Dance
Ray of Revelation
Travel Preparations
Veteran Cathar
Dawnhart Wardens
Torens, Fist of the Angels
Heron's Grace Champion
Sigarda, Heron's Grace
Orzhov (6)
Can't Stay Away
Rite of Oblivion
Behind the Scenes
Lingering Souls
Unburial Rites
Izzet (8)
Arcane Infusion
Desperate Ravings
Galvanic Iteration
Wandering Mind
Mercurial Geists
Mystic Retrieval
Storm Skreelix
Golgari (11)
Ghoulcaller's Harvest
Grim Flayer
Old Stickfingers
Autumnal Gloom
Old Rutstein
Ancient Lumberknot
Diregraf Rebirth
Ishkanah, Grafwidow
Spider Spawning
The Gitrog Monster
Boros (4)
Burning Oil
Ride Down
Sacred Fire
Rally the Peasants
Simic (10)
Memory's Journey
Ongoing Investigation
Rootcoil Creeper
Tracker's Instincts
Vilespawn Spider
Winterthorn Blessing
Slogurk, the Overslime
Altered Ego
Grolnok, the Omnivore
Lashweed Lurker
Azorius (1)
Moorland Haunt
Rakdos (1)
Stensia Bloodhall
Gruul (1)
Kessig Wolf Run
Selesnya (1)
Gavony Township
Orzhov (1)
Vault of the Archangel
Izzet (1)
Desolate Lighthouse
Golgari (1)
Grim Backwoods
Boros (1)
Slayers' Stronghold
Simic (1)
Alchemist's Refuge