Innistrad Remastered 2.0
(666 Card Cube)
Cards will appear as duplicates if they fit in multiple categories. The counts will still only count each item once.
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Creature (60)
Champion of the Parish
Chaplain of Alms
Gavony Trapper
Hopeful Initiate
Lunarch Veteran
Lunarch Veteran
Thraben Inspector
Thraben Inspector
Traveling Minister
Ambitious Farmhand
Ambitious Farmhand
Cathar Commando
Cathar Commando
Drogskol Infantry
Fleeting Spirit
Hanweir Militia Captain
Lone Rider
Lone Rider
Sungold Sentinel
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
Thalia's Lieutenant
Twinblade Geist
Twinblade Geist
Unruly Mob
Unruly Mob
Voice of the Blessed
Brutal Cathar
Extricator of Sin
Fiend Hunter
Fiend Hunter
Gavony Dawnguard
Hanged Executioner
Ironclad Slayer
Ironclad Slayer
Mentor of the Meek
Pious Evangel
Pious Evangel
Thalia's Geistcaller
Thraben Doomsayer
Avacynian Missionaries
Courageous Outrider
Courageous Outrider
Gisela, the Broken Blade
Goldnight Commander
Goldnight Commander
Odric, Lunarch Marshal
Odric's Outrider
Search Party Captain
Search Party Captain
Slayer of the Wicked
Angel of Flight Alabaster
Angelic Quartermaster
Geist-Honored Monk
Reaper of Flight Moonsilver
Reaper of Flight Moonsilver
Dearly Departed
Subjugator Angel
Bruna, the Fading Light
Angel of Deliverance
Instant (9)
Piercing Light
Purify the Grave
Strength of Arms
Strength of Arms
Ritual of Hope
Valorous Stance
Eerie Interlude
Midnight Haunting
Midnight Haunting
Sorcery (13)
Homestead Courage
Homestead Courage
Declaration in Stone
Gather the Townsfolk
Gather the Townsfolk
Not Forgotten
Angelic Purge
Angelic Purge
Divine Reckoning
Spectral Reserves
Defy Death
Increasing Devotion
Descend upon the Sinful
Enchantment (11)
Gryff's Boon
Bonds of Faith
Bonds of Faith
Intangible Virtue
Lunarch Mantle
Borrowed Time
Bound by Moonsilver
Bound by Moonsilver
Faith Unbroken
Creature (54)
Cobbled Lancer
Cobbled Lancer
Delver of Secrets
Delver of Secrets
Delver of Secrets
Lantern Bearer
Lantern Bearer
Mausoleum Wanderer
Baithook Angler
Baithook Angler
Covetous Castaway
Covetous Castaway
Deranged Assistant
Deranged Assistant
Invisible Stalker
Invisible Stalker
Malevolent Hermit
Skaab Wrangler
Skaab Wrangler
Suspicious Stowaway
Wharf Infiltrator
Armored Skaab
Armored Skaab
Falcon Abomination
Falcon Abomination
Geralf, Visionary Stitcher
Laboratory Maniac
Nebelgast Intruder
Nebelgast Intruder
Overwhelmed Archivist
Patrician Geist
Stitched Drake
Stitched Drake
Stormbound Geist
Dungeon Geists
Laboratory Drudge
Niblis of Frost
Overcharged Amalgam
Repository Skaab
Stitchwing Skaab
Stitchwing Skaab
Undead Alchemist
Advanced Stitchwing
Docent of Perfection
Geralf's Masterpiece
Murder of Crows
Murder of Crows
Geralf's Mindcrusher
Phantom Carriage
Elder Deep-Fiend
Vexing Scuttler
Instant (21)
Essence Flux
Otherworldly Gaze
Otherworldly Gaze
Otherworldly Gaze
Thought Scour
Thought Scour
Just the Wind
Just the Wind
Think Twice
Think Twice
Flip the Switch
Flip the Switch
Ghostly Flicker
Devious Cover-Up
Devious Cover-Up
Devious Cover-Up
Memory Deluge
Sorcery (11)
Artful Dodge
Hard Evidence
Silent Departure
Silent Departure
Scour All Possibilities
Runic Repetition
Witness the Future
Grasp of Phantoms
Grasp of Phantoms
Welcome to the Fold
Rise from the Tides
Enchantment (7)
Spontaneous Mutation
Spontaneous Mutation
Ominous Roost
Secrets of the Dead
Grafted Identity
Creature (55)
Champion of the Perished
Diregraf Ghoul
Diregraf Ghoul
Ecstatic Awakener
Indulgent Aristocrat
Sanitarium Skeleton
Stitcher's Supplier
Stitcher's Supplier
Asylum Visitor
Blood Artist
Doomed Dissenter
Doomed Dissenter
Heir of Falkenrath
Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia
Restless Bloodseeker
Restless Bloodseeker
Siege Zombie
Siege Zombie
Skirsdag Flayer
Skirsdag Flayer
Skirsdag High Priest
Undead Butler
Undead Butler
Voldaren Bloodcaster
Archghoul of Thraben
Blood Bairn
Blood Bairn
Crypt Rats
Diregraf Colossus
Falkenrath Forebear
Fell Stinger
Fell Stinger
Hobbling Zombie
Jerren, Corrupted Bishop
Morbid Opportunist
Silversmote Ghoul
Village Cannibals
Village Cannibals
Accursed Witch
Baneblade Scoundrel
Bloodcrazed Socialite
Falkenrath Noble
Gisa, Glorious Resurrector
Haunted Dead
Haunted Dead
Diregraf Horde
Diregraf Horde
Morkrut Banshee
Ravenous Demon
Twins of Maurer Estate
Voldaren Pariah
Lord of the Forsaken
Archfiend of Spite
Distended Mindbender
Instant (11)
Rotten Reunion
Rotten Reunion
Tragic Slip
Tragic Slip
Undying Evil
Village Rites
Village Rites
Infernal Grasp
Infernal Grasp
Sorcery (17)
Bone Shards
Bone Shards
Crawl from the Cellar
Ransack the Lab
Vampire's Kiss
Vampire's Kiss
Dark Salvation
Pointed Discussion
Barter in Blood
Dread Return
Moan of the Unhallowed
Moan of the Unhallowed
Sever the Bloodline
Edgar's Awakening
Edgar's Awakening
From Under the Floorboards
Ever After
Artifact (3)
Blood Fountain
Crowded Crypt
Glass-Cast Heart
Enchantment (7)
Dead Weight
Dead Weight
Sinister Concoction
Call the Bloodline
Ghoulish Procession
Ghoulish Procession
Dying to Serve
Creature (52)
Falkenrath Gorger
Falkenrath Gorger
Falkenrath Pit Fighter
Insolent Neonate
Kessig Wolfrider
Reckless Waif
Reckless Waif
Stromkirk Noble
Voldaren Epicure
Voldaren Epicure
Blood Petal Celebrant
Blood Petal Celebrant
Festival Crasher
Festival Crasher
Flame Channeler
Kessig Flamebreather
Kessig Forgemaster
Kessig Forgemaster
Obsessive Astronomer
Obsessive Astronomer
Ravenous Bloodseeker
Ravenous Bloodseeker
Vengeful Devil
Vengeful Devil
Voltaic Visionary
Blood Hypnotist
Dominating Vampire
Hanweir Garrison
Scion of Opulence
Sin Prodder
Spellrune Painter
Spellrune Painter
Spiteful Prankster
Stromkirk Occultist
Stromkirk Occultist
Ardent Elementalist
Ardent Elementalist
Fangblade Brigand
Ill-Tempered Loner
Lambholt Raconteur
Skirsdag Cultist
Skirsdag Cultist
Falkenrath Celebrants
Incorrigible Youths
Incorrigible Youths
Zealous Conscripts
Charmbreaker Devils
Flayer of the Hatebound
Bedlam Reveler
Instant (16)
Lightning Axe
Cathartic Pyre
Cathartic Pyre
Brimstone Volley
Electric Revelation
Fiery Temper
Fiery Temper
Uncaged Fury
Uncaged Fury
Vampires' Vengeance
Dance with Devils
Dance with Devils
Lunar Frenzy
Sorcery (17)
Ancestral Anger
Ancestral Anger
Ancestral Anger
Ancestral Anger
Faithless Looting
Faithless Looting
Avacyn's Judgment
Reckless Impulse
Reckless Impulse
Bloody Betrayal
Shreds of Sanity
Into the Night
Burn at the Stake
Seize the Storm
Devils' Playground
Devil's Play
Blasphemous Act
Artifact (2)
Sanguine Statuette
Geistflame Reservoir
Enchantment (5)
Arterial Alchemy
Burning Vengeance
Burning Vengeance
Stensia Uprising
Vigilante Justice
Land (1)
Hanweir Battlements
Creature (57)
Ascendant Packleader
Ascendant Packleader
Avacyn's Pilgrim
Avacyn's Pilgrim
Deathbonnet Sprout
Gnarlwood Dryad
Gnarlwood Dryad
Ulvenwald Tracker
Wolfbitten Captive
Ambush Viper
Boneyard Wurm
Boneyard Wurm
Deranged Outcast
Duskwatch Recruiter
Duskwatch Recruiter
Hamlet Captain
Hamlet Captain
Mayor of Avabruck
Obsessive Skinner
Outland Liberator
Outland Liberator
Packsong Pup
Reclusive Taxidermist
Reclusive Taxidermist
Scorned Villager
Scorned Villager
Augur of Autumn
Briarbridge Tracker
Eccentric Farmer
Eccentric Farmer
Emrakul's Evangel
Eternal Witness
Hound Tamer
Hound Tamer
Twin-Silk Spider
Weaver of Blossoms
Weaver of Blossoms
Wolfir Avenger
Hiveheart Shaman
Howlpack Piper
Pack Guardian
Pack Guardian
Soul Swallower
Wolfkin Outcast
Burly Breaker
Contortionist Troupe
Kessig Cagebreakers
Tovolar's Huntmaster
Bramble Wurm
Moldgraf Monstrosity
Decimator of the Provinces
Instant (17)
Confront the Unknown
Confront the Unknown
Turn the Earth
Turn the Earth
Duel for Dominance
Duel for Dominance
Grapple with the Past
Grapple with the Past
Might of the Old Ways
Might of the Old Ways
Return to Nature
Clear Shot
Clear Shot
Gnaw to the Bone
Gnaw to the Bone
Wolf Strike
Second Harvest
Sorcery (10)
Winding Way
Winding Way
Dryad's Revival
Path to the Festival
Path to the Festival
Shadowbeast Sighting
Grim Flowering
Rise of the Ants
Storm the Festival
Enchantment (9)
Abundant Growth
Abundant Growth
Wreath of Geists
Wreath of Geists
Cryptolith Rite
Crawling Infestation
Crawling Sensation
Ulvenwald Mysteries
Ulvenwald Mysteries
Creature (5)
Eternal Scourge
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Epitaph Golem
Epitaph Golem
Artifact (35)
Blazing Torch
Blazing Torch
Ceremonial Knife
Ceremonial Knife
Neglected Heirloom
Shard of Broken Glass
Silver Bolt
Silver-Inlaid Dagger
Silver-Inlaid Dagger
Stitcher's Graft
Traveler's Amulet
Traveler's Amulet
Corrupted Grafstone
Investigator's Journal
Runechanter's Pike
True-Faith Censer
True-Faith Censer
Altar of the Lost
Butcher's Cleaver
Butcher's Cleaver
Gallows at Willow Hill
Slayer's Plate
The Celestus
Vessel of Endless Rest
Demonmail Hauberk
Demonmail Hauberk
Grimoire of the Dead
Murderer's Axe
Conjurer's Closet
Dollhouse of Horrors
Azorius (10)
Moorland Haunt
Dennick, Pious Apprentice
Devoted Grafkeeper
Devoted Grafkeeper
Faithful Mending
Faithful Mending
Hallowed Respite
Brine Comber
Drogskol Captain
Spectral Shepherd
Dimir (10)
Corpse Cobble
Ludevic, Necrogenius
Diregraf Captain
Forbidden Alchemy
Forbidden Alchemy
Obsessive Stitcher
Prized Amalgam
Runo Stromkirk
Eloise, Nephalia Sleuth
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
Rakdos (10)
Bloodtithe Harvester
Bloodtithe Harvester
Hungry for More
Hungry for More
Olivia's Bloodsworn
Vampire Socialite
Fires of Undeath
Anje, Maid of Dishonor
Bloodhall Priest
Wake to Slaughter
Gruul (10)
Full Moon's Rise
Kessig Naturalist
Kessig Naturalist
Unnatural Moonrise
Unnatural Moonrise
Daybreak Ranger
Dire-Strain Rampage
Howlpack Resurgence
Child of the Pack
Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
Selesnya (10)
Join the Dance
Join the Dance
Katilda, Dawnhart Prime
Rite of Harmony
Travel Preparations
Travel Preparations
Dawnhart Wardens
Dawnhart Wardens
Heron's Grace Champion
Leinore, Autumn Sovereign
Orzhov (10)
Can't Stay Away
Panicked Bystander
Rite of Oblivion
Rite of Oblivion
Anguished Unmaking
Lingering Souls
Markov Purifier
Unburial Rites
Izzet (10)
Desolate Lighthouse
Desperate Ravings
Desperate Ravings
Galvanic Iteration
Eruth, Tormented Prophet
Vadrik, Astral Archmage
Wandering Mind
Mercurial Geists
Mystic Retrieval
Storm Skreelix
Golgari (10)
Ghoulcaller's Harvest
Old Stickfingers
Old Rutstein
Grizzly Ghoul
Grizzly Ghoul
Rotwidow Pack
Diregraf Rebirth
Diregraf Rebirth
Spider Spawning
Spider Spawning
Boros (10)
Slayers' Stronghold
Burning Oil
Burning Oil
Sacred Fire
Sacred Fire
Angelfire Ignition
Odric, Blood-Cursed
Rally the Peasants
Rally the Peasants
Sunrise Cavalier
Simic (10)
Ongoing Investigation
Rootcoil Creeper
Rootcoil Creeper
Tracker's Instincts
Tracker's Instincts
Vilespawn Spider
Vilespawn Spider
Winterthorn Blessing
Grolnok, the Omnivore
Lashweed Lurker
Azorius (4)
Deserted Beach
Deserted Beach
Port Town
Port Town
Dimir (4)
Choked Estuary
Choked Estuary
Shipwreck Marsh
Shipwreck Marsh
Rakdos (4)
Foreboding Ruins
Foreboding Ruins
Haunted Ridge
Haunted Ridge
Gruul (4)
Game Trail
Game Trail
Rockfall Vale
Rockfall Vale
Selesnya (4)
Fortified Village
Fortified Village
Overgrown Farmland
Overgrown Farmland
Orzhov (4)
Isolated Chapel
Isolated Chapel
Shattered Sanctum
Shattered Sanctum
Izzet (4)
Stormcarved Coast
Stormcarved Coast
Sulfur Falls
Sulfur Falls
Golgari (4)
Deathcap Glade
Deathcap Glade
Woodland Cemetery
Woodland Cemetery
Boros (4)
Clifftop Retreat
Clifftop Retreat
Sundown Pass
Sundown Pass
Simic (4)
Dreamroot Cascade
Dreamroot Cascade
Hinterland Harbor
Hinterland Harbor
Land (21)
Ash Barrens
Ash Barrens
Ash Barrens
Ash Barrens
Ash Barrens
Ash Barrens
Cave of Temptation
Cave of Temptation
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Field of Ruin
Field of Ruin
Geier Reach Sanitarium
Havengul Laboratory
Hostile Hostel
Voldaren Estate
Westvale Abbey