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The Primal Cube (UNFIN)
(266 Card Cube)
Cards will appear as duplicates if they fit in multiple categories. The counts will still only count each item once.
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Creature (36)
Fearless Fledgling
Fledgling Griffin
Silverbeak Griffin
Diving Griffin
Griffin Sentinel
Resplendent Griffin
Sunspire Griffin
Wild Griffin
Abbey Griffin
Armored Griffin
Assault Griffin
Charging Griffin
Courier Griffin
Daraja Griffin
Ekundu Griffin
Gale Swooper
Griffin Protector
Makindi Griffin
Mistmoon Griffin
Mtenda Griffin
Razorfoot Griffin
Screeching Griffin
Senate Griffin
Spotted Griffin
Unyaro Griffin
Zeriam, Golden Wind
Boreal Griffin
Decorated Griffin
Divebomber Griffin
Goldmane Griffin
Griffin Dreamfinder
Prized Griffin
Setessan Griffin
Silverclaw Griffin
Zuberi, Golden Feather
Harrier Griffin
Instant (4)
Defiant Strike
Rally of Wings
Crib Swap
Sorcery (2)
Aerial Assault
Silverflame Ritual
Artifact (1)
Marble Diamond
Enchantment (4)
Griffin Guide
Oblivion Ring
Serra Aviary
Land (1)
Griffin Canyon
Creature (27)
Sigiled Starfish
Biolume Egg
Sea-Dasher Octopus
Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle
Giant Octopus
Orvar, the All-Form
Reef Worm
Mesmerizing Benthid
Monstrosity of the Lake
Voracious Greatshark
Frilled Sea Serpent
King Crab
Spawning Kraken
Tolarian Kraken
Isleback Spawn
Simic Sky Swallower
Sword Coast Serpent
Tolarian Terror
Trench Behemoth
Breaching Leviathan
Deep-Sea Kraken
Kederekt Leviathan
Lorthos, the Tidemaker
Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep
Instant (8)
Rapid Hybridization
Turn Aside
Remove Soul
Serpentine Ambush
Engulf the Shore
Fervent Denial
Traumatic Visions
Sorcery (8)
Mind Spring
Drag Under
Churning Eddy
Deep Analysis
Distant Melody
Whelming Wave
Crush of Tentacles
Artifact (1)
Sky Diamond
Enchantment (3)
Quest for Ula's Temple
Ominous Seas
Paralyzing Grasp
Land (1)
Halimar Depths
Creature (28)
Blood Pet
Ecstatic Awakener
Onyx Mage
Ravenous Rats
Reassembling Skeleton
Bloodrite Invoker
Embodiment of Agonies
Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire
Abyssal Persecutor
Blood Speaker
Demon of Catastrophes
Mindwrack Demon
Bloodgift Demon
Doom Whisperer
Indulgent Tormentor
The Wretched
Demonlord Belzenlok
Feaster of Fools
Harvester of Souls
Kothophed, Soul Hoarder
Archfiend of Sorrows
Havoc Demon
Dread Cacodemon
Pestilence Demon
Razaketh, the Foulblooded
Spirit of the Night
Instant (6)
Dark Ritual
Village Rites
Infernal Grasp
Nameless Inversion
Blood Pact
Sorcery (7)
Consume Spirit
Return from Extinction
Foreboding Fruit
Diabolic Tutor
Cauldron's Gift
Promise of Power
Artifact (2)
Witch's Cauldron
Charcoal Diamond
Enchantment (4)
Demonic Embrace
Mark of the Oni
Demonic Rising
Demonic Covenant
Land (1)
Tomb of Urami
Creature (29)
Crimson Mage
Reckless Barbarian
Balduvian Barbarians
Balthor the Stout
Barbarian Bully
Barbarian Lunatic
Hell-Bent Raider
Plundering Barbarian
Balduvian Horde
Balduvian Warlord
Jeska, Warrior Adept
Keldon Champion
Keldon Warlord
Pardic Arsonist
Pillaging Horde
Possessed Barbarian
Rukh Egg
Spellgorger Barbarian
Balduvian War-Makers
Barbarian General
Barbarian Riftcutter
Hagi Mob
Lovisa Coldeyes
Pardic Lancer
Tiger-Tribe Hunter
Kamahl, Pit Fighter
Greater Gargadon
Instant (13)
Active Volcano
Balduvian Rage
Brute Force
Lightning Bolt
Critical Hit
Fault Line
Thrill of Possibility
Fiery Temper
Seismic Strike
Slaying Fire
Violent Eruption
Searing Barrage
Sorcery (3)
Stone Rain
Artifact (1)
Fire Diamond
Enchantment (2)
Crackling Club
Goblin War Drums
Land (1)
Keldon Megaliths
Creature (27)
Birds of Paradise
Elvish Visionary
Masked Vandal
Tribal Forcemage
Wall of Blossoms
Wood Elves
Yavimaya Elder
Baru, Wurmspeaker
Pouncing Wurm
Beanstalk Wurm
Elfhame Wurm
Gravetiller Wurm
Ravenous Lindwurm
Bramble Wurm
Carnage Wurm
Elderscale Wurm
Greater Sandwurm
Havenwood Wurm
Panglacial Wurm
Pelakka Wurm
Penumbra Wurm
Plated Slagwurm
Siege Wurm
Sifter Wurm
Symbiotic Wurm
Instant (3)
Giant Growth
Return to Nature
Once and Future
Sorcery (10)
Prey Upon
Rabid Bite
Rampant Growth
Desert Twister
Roar of the Wurm
Crush of Wurms
Artifact (1)
Moss Diamond
Enchantment (6)
Wild Growth
Fertile Ground
Descendants' Path
Food Chain
Overwhelming Instinct
Sandwurm Convergence
Land (1)
Castle Garenbrig
Creature (1)
Bloodline Pretender
Artifact (20)
Everflowing Chalice
Emerald Medallion
Jet Medallion
Mind Stone
Pearl Medallion
Ruby Medallion
Sapphire Medallion
Basalt Monolith
Eye of Ojer Taq
Heirloom Blade
Progenitor's Icon
Urza's Incubator
Instruments of War
Maskwood Nexus
Quicksilver Amulet
Riptide Replicator
Belbe's Portal
Coat of Arms
Vanquisher's Banner
Obelisk of Urd
Land (4)
Tectonic Edge
Temple of the False God
Terramorphic Expanse