Creature (37)
Drainpipe Vermin
Fume Spitter
Liliana's Steward
Ruthless Ripper
Sanitarium Skeleton
Typhoid Rats
Unwilling Ingredient
Blister Beetle
Bloodthrone Vampire
Cabal Initiate
Doomed Dissenter
Dusk Legion Zealot
Mardu Skullhunter
Novice Occultist
Pit Keeper
Rancid Rats
Tattered Mummy
Ghostly Changeling
Hobbling Zombie
Underworld Charger
Warteye Witch
Wasteland Scorpion
Bushmeat Poacher
Hell Mongrel
Jarl of the Forsaken
Undercity Scavenger
Vulturous Aven
Wicked Guardian
Blade Juggler
Diregraf Horde
Horror of the Broken Lands
Morkrut Behemoth
First-Sphere Gargantua
Grixis Slavedriver
Gurmag Angler