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Tarkir Set Cube
(344 Card Set Cube)
(344 Card Cube)
Changes (6)
Page 1 of 1
Mainboard Changelist
+5, -0
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Mainboard Changelist
+339, -0
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Crux of Fate
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Hooded Hydra
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
Mainboard Changelist
+0, -698
Bloodfell Caves
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
Obscuring Aether
Hooded Hydra
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Crux of Fate
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Hooded Hydra
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
Mainboard Changelist
+339, -0
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Crux of Fate
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Hooded Hydra
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
Mainboard Changelist
+1, -1
Hooded Hydra
Assault Formation
Mainboard Changelist
+360, -0
Bloodfell Caves
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Crux of Fate
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Assault Formation
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
Obscuring Aether
May 3rd, 2022 - 10:33 am
Mainboard Changelist
+5, -0
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
May 3rd, 2022 - 10:32 am
Mainboard Changelist
+0, -698
Bloodfell Caves
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
Obscuring Aether
Hooded Hydra
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Crux of Fate
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Hooded Hydra
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
September 1st, 2021 - 6:17 pm
Mainboard Changelist
+1, -1
Hooded Hydra
Assault Formation
May 3rd, 2022 - 10:32 am
Mainboard Changelist
+339, -0
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Crux of Fate
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Hooded Hydra
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
May 3rd, 2022 - 10:32 am
Mainboard Changelist
+339, -0
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Crux of Fate
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Hooded Hydra
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
September 1st, 2021 - 5:19 pm
Mainboard Changelist
+360, -0
Bloodfell Caves
Bloodfell Caves
Blossoming Sands
Blossoming Sands
Dismal Backwater
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Frontier Bivouac
Frontier Bivouac
Jungle Hollow
Jungle Hollow
Mystic Monastery
Mystic Monastery
Nomad Outpost
Nomad Outpost
Opulent Palace
Opulent Palace
Rugged Highlands
Rugged Highlands
Sandsteppe Citadel
Sandsteppe Citadel
Scoured Barrens
Scoured Barrens
Swiftwater Cliffs
Swiftwater Cliffs
Thornwood Falls
Thornwood Falls
Tranquil Cove
Tranquil Cove
Wind-Scarred Crag
Wind-Scarred Crag
Abzan Battle Priest
Abzan Falconer
Ainok Bond-Kin
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Arashin Foremost
Channel Harm
Citadel Siege
Daghatar the Adamant
Dazzling Ramparts
Dragon Hunter
Dragonscale General
Dromoka Captain
Dromoka Dunecaster
Echoes of the Kin Tree
Elite Scaleguard
End Hostilities
Enduring Victory
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Great Teacher's Decree
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Dromoka
Hidden Dragonslayer
High Sentinels of Arashin
Lotus-Eye Mystics
Mardu Hateblade
Mardu Hordechief
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Master of Pearls
Monastery Mentor
Myth Realized
Ojutai Exemplars
Radiant Purge
Sage's Reverie
Sandsteppe Outcast
Scale Blessing
Secure the Wastes
Seeker of the Way
Smite the Monstrous
Soul Summons
Soulfire Grand Master
Strongarm Monk
Suspension Field
Take Up Arms
Timely Hordemate
Valorous Stance
Watcher of the Roost
Clever Impersonator
Crippling Chill
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Elusive Spellfist
Icefall Regent
Icy Blast
Illusory Gains
Jeskai Elder
Jeskai Infiltrator
Jeskai Sage
Kheru Spellsnatcher
Living Lore
Lotus Path Djinn
Marang River Prowler
Mistfire Adept
Monastery Siege
Mystic of the Hidden Way
Ojutai Interceptor
Ojutai's Breath
Ojutai's Summons
Palace Familiar
Profaner of the Dead
Qarsi Deceiver
Quiet Contemplation
Rakshasa's Disdain
Reality Shift
Reduce in Stature
Renowned Weaponsmith
Riverwheel Aerialists
Shifting Loyalties
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Sight Beyond Sight
Silumgar Sorcerer
Silumgar Spell-Eater
Singing Bell Strike
Skywise Teachings
Stratus Dancer
Sultai Skullkeeper
Supplant Form
Torrent Elemental
Treasure Cruise
Void Squall
Whisk Away
Will of the Naga
Youthful Scholar
Zephyr Scribe
Ambuscade Shaman
Battle Brawler
Bellowing Saddlebrute
Bitter Revelation
Blood-Chin Fanatic
Blood-Chin Rager
Bloodsoaked Champion
Brutal Hordechief
Crux of Fate
Damnable Pact
Dead Drop
Death Wind
Empty the Pits
Foul Renewal
Foul-Tongue Invocation
Ghastly Conscription
Grave Strength
Grim Haruspex
Hedonist's Trove
Hooded Assassin
Kheru Bloodsucker
Mardu Skullhunter
Mardu Strike Leader
Mer-Ek Nightblade
Minister of Pain
Murderous Cut
Necropolis Fiend
Orc Sureshot
Palace Siege
Pitiless Horde
Qarsi High Priest
Raiders' Spoils
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Reach of Shadows
Retribution of the Ancients
Risen Executioner
Rite of the Serpent
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Silumgar Assassin
Silumgar Butcher
Sultai Emissary
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Ukud Cobra
Ultimate Price
Vulturous Aven
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Arc Lightning
Atarka Pummeler
Bathe in Dragonfire
Berserkers' Onslaught
Bloodfire Enforcers
Break Through the Line
Burn Away
Crater Elemental
Crater's Claws
Dragon Grip
Dragon Whisperer
Dragon-Style Twins
Flamerush Rider
Flamewake Phoenix
Goblin Heelcutter
Hardened Berserker
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Humble Defector
Hungering Yeti
Impact Tremors
Ire Shaman
Jeering Instigator
Kolaghan Forerunners
Leaping Master
Lightning Berserker
Mardu Heart-Piercer
Mob Rule
Monastery Swiftspear
Outpost Siege
Qal Sisma Behemoth
Sarkhan's Rage
Invalid Card
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Tail Slash
Temur Battle Rage
Thunderbreak Regent
Twin Bolt
Volcanic Vision
War-Name Aspirant
Wild Slash
Zurgo Bellstriker
Abzan Beastmaster
Aerie Bowmasters
Ainok Survivalist
Arashin War Beast
Assault Formation
Atarka Beastbreaker
Avatar of the Resolute
Battlefront Krushok
Become Immense
Cached Defenses
Deathmist Raptor
Den Protector
Dragonscale Boon
Epic Confrontation
Frontier Siege
Fruit of the First Tree
Guardian Shield-Bearer
Hardened Scales
Heir of the Wilds
Hooting Mandrills
Incremental Growth
Inspiring Call
Longshot Squad
Rattleclaw Mystic
Roar of Challenge
Ruthless Instincts
Salt Road Ambushers
Salt Road Quartermasters
Sandsteppe Mastodon
Savage Punch
Scout the Borders
See the Unwritten
Servant of the Scale
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Shamanic Revelation
Sight of the Scalelords
Sudden Reclamation
Sultai Flayer
Sunbringer's Touch
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Temur Sabertooth
Temur War Shaman
Trail of Mystery
Tuskguard Captain
Warden of the First Tree
Whisperwood Elemental
Winds of Qal Sisma
Yasova Dragonclaw
Abzan Ascendancy
Abzan Charm
Anafenza, the Foremost
Ankle Shanker
Armament Corps
Atarka's Command
Avalanche Tusker
Chief of the Edge
Chief of the Scale
Crackling Doom
Death Frenzy
Deflecting Palm
Dragonlord Atarka
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Kolaghan
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Dromoka, the Eternal
Dromoka's Command
Flying Crane Technique
Harbinger of the Hunt
Icefeather Aven
Ivorytusk Fortress
Jeskai Ascendancy
Jeskai Charm
Kheru Lich Lord
Kin-Tree Invocation
Kolaghan's Command
Mardu Ascendancy
Mardu Charm
Master the Way
Narset, Enlightened Master
Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Ojutai's Command
Ponyback Brigade
Rakshasa Deathdealer
Rakshasa Vizier
Ride Down
Ruthless Deathfang
Mantis Rider
Sagu Mauler
Savage Knuckleblade
Secret Plans
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
Siege Rhino
Silumgar's Command
Sultai Ascendancy
Sultai Charm
Sultai Soothsayer
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swift Warkite
Temur Ascendancy
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Utter End
War Flare
Sage of the Inward Eye
Zurgo Helmsmasher
Atarka Monument
Briber's Purse
Dragon Throne of Tarkir
Dromoka Monument
Goblin Boom Keg
Heart-Piercer Bow
Hero's Blade
Kolaghan Monument
Ojutai Monument
Pilgrim of the Fires
Scion of Ugin
Scroll of the Masters
Silumgar Monument
Vial of Dragonfire
Obscuring Aether
Page 1 of 1
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