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Devoid Winston Cube
(270 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (5)
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After sleeping on it, the answer became obvious. If you need to do anything Magic-related in multiples of five, there's only one option: one of each color.

270! Now each Winston sees 1/3 of the pool, which should offer up approximately 20 lands in each pile.

Also, selfishly, now I only need 300 sleeves. I won't claim that was the primary force driving the slim-down, but it was definitely a factor.

Vyolynce posted to Devoid Winston Cube -

Wanted to get down to 270. Currently at 275, and those last 5 are not forthcoming. Might need a second set of eyes on this.

After watching LSV Winston Draft a mono-red cube, I was inspired to make a Winston Cube of my own. Since my primary cube is all multicolored, it felt right that this one be entirely colorless. Since the only available basics are Wastes, all colored sources must be drafted — and those sources aren't being provided without a price of some sort.

The hardest part of building this was finding enough "white" cards to balance the other colors. For a while there I was considering 11 white vs 21 of the other four, but I did some research and found another 10 that weren't awful (mostly thanks to a couple of recent Commander decks). The "multicolored" cards aren't evenly distributed, as those numbers simply don't exist — again, largely because white doesn't overlap with devoid very often. I'm also not counting lands as part of their respective color identities; there are just a flat 60 lands in the cube, and whatever colors they ask for is irrelevant.

I don't think I'm going to update this very often, but now it's done (minus a few singles... and 400 sleeves... I need to pick up for my physical copy) and available. Have fun!

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