The BUG Sammich!
(360 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Some new goodies, the real update will occur with the new Tarkir set. So many good ones will be coming from that set. I can't wait! For this one a lot of the changes are upgrades or some changes that I have wanted to make for a while. I have thought cards like thoughtseize would be too good for this environment but as it's gotten more efficient and less clunky, I feel that this is needed to disrupt some of the faster decks. The Skyray, mystic and chariot are all cards for the cycling deck that will help that deck out a bit with a couple of actual payoffs, either making tokens or a big flier. Seal of Removal is in for this update to help with delirium and other card type matter cards like the goyfs in the cube. Geralf's messenger is in to push some decks away from three colors and be more heavily into one or two colors. I have good memories with this card and i do realize it's combo potential but it will take some set up to pull off successfully. I am also trying out Ghost Quarter over tec edge. I do not want strip mine in this cube for power level reasons so this could be an ok replacement. This will be watched over the next few drafts and see if it does anything relevant. Lastly, I missed the cagebreakers, the warchief really doesn't fit any theme and you can build around the cagebreakers. That's all, thanks and Happy cubing!

sammich posted to The BUG Sammich! -

Changes made to some of the removal. Added some fight and bite spells for green. Changed up one of the big creatures that you can "cheat" out for less than the mana value with some set up.

sammich posted to The BUG Sammich! -

After a recent draft it has become apparent that the dredge deck needs to slow down a smidge. I am removing the worst offender, Stinkweed Imp. One would assume that the Golgari Grave-Troll would be worse but the Imp's ability to dredge 5 and basically stonewall any attack due to flying and sudo death touch ability all for 3 mana make it too easy to churn through your deck with little to no downside. If the opponent cannot exile or remove from the graveyard, they really cannot interact with it in a meaningful way. All the other dredgers are on a watchlist at this point. I still want this deck to work so they all stay in at this point. I am bringing in Warren Soultrader to replace it from MH3. I am also adding in Rancor at the request of a drafter as a way to punch additional damage through in the event of a board stall.

sammich posted to The BUG Sammich! -

made a lil mistake

sammich posted to The BUG Sammich! -

Hey everyone, MH3 update time! This cube was the most difficult for me to update out of all of mine. The cards needs to be able to support current archetypes but also be thematic to the cube. Part of this update includes a lot of cards that are not MH3 and some older cards that I missed and want to try out. There is some balancing to the removal suite and the looters that are in the cube.

Black Changes
I want to remove free spells from this cube and make you work a little harder to remove threats. Snuff Out is cut for Pile On for this reason. Yes, Pile On can technically be cast for no mana but it is by no means free as you need creatures on the board to reduce the cost. The surveil is nice to have stapled onto a removal spell. Ripples of Undeath comes into the replace Ransack the Lab as a repeatable way to mill yourself and regrow a card, albeit with a cost. Accursed Marauder is a strict upgrade to Fleshbag Marauder. Nethergoyf and Barrowgoyf replace Kitchen Imp and Crippling Fatigue respectively. Neither were especially high picks and were in because they have some synergies with the cube. Next we have Marionette Apprentice replacing Night Incarnate as another aristocrat card. Lastly we have an "older"card with Cult Conscript coming in to replaceMoan of the Unhallowed as another fairly easy to recur cheap creature.

Blue Changes
I have cut down on some of the repeatable looters as I feel that there were too many in the cube currently. I did this to potentially slow down the self mill deck a smidge. To help the spells deck out a bit. Murmuring Mystic replaces Memory Deluge. I also had forgotten about an older card that I loved, River Kelpie which is an interesting persist creature that, if built around correctly should net some decent card draw. It replaces Logic Knot, a counterspell that is has felt only so so in this cube. Steamcore Scholar replaces Suspicious Stowaway for both reduction in the looters and a removal of the day/night mechanic from the cube. Hope-Ender Coatl replaces Merfolk Looter for the reduction of looters and also trying out a new card in the cube for some additional interaction on a stick. Lastly, I have opted to add the soft counter Remand over You Find the Villains' Lair.

Green Changes
Some new changes here are in for helping the lands and pod deck out. Sowing Mycospawn comes in to replace Acorn Harvest. The harvest was ok but not a very high pick as two 1/1s for four even with flashback was pretty mediocre. The eldrazi will help the lands deck be able to function better as it can actually get their engine online a little faster. Fanatic of Rhonas is on over Sharp-eyed Rookie. The rookie did not really synergize with the cube. The new mana dork at least has eternalize and rewards you with additional mana for doing so. Six comes in to replace the Avenger of Zendikar. The avenger is still very good in this cube but I felt that it was just big and dumb and wanted to see what the cube is like without it. Six, however, does a whole lot for just three mana and will be interesting to see what it can do in this cube. Loamcrafter Faun, as with Six is a reward for having extra lands in your hand and will replace Shadowbeast Sighting which is just too expensive for what it does. Lastly we have Birthing Ritual which replaces Evolutionary Leap as an additional pod style card. Not being forced to sacrifice if you miss makes this a little better in m opinion than it would be otherwise. i am interested to see if this will do anything.

Guild Changes

Horrid Shadowspinner replaces Obsessive Stitcher as removal of the tap to loot suite in the cube. This has to attack to do the looting so I feel that is more than fair. Sneaky Snacker replaced Drag the Canal which is great when it could do the entire card but it's floor is just a 2/2 so the recursive flier may be better. Psychic Frog is definitely one of the more powerful cards going for this update, it replaces Rona, Hearld of Invasion. We will see if this frog is too much for the cube after some reps with it. Wight of the Reliquary replaces Slimefoot, the Stowaway as this definitely synergizes more with what the cube is trying to do. Witherbloom Command comes in for Grisley Salvage which is a fine card but the command just does more for the mana value. Lastly, we have Bonny Pall, Clearcutter replacing Hydroid Krasis. The Krasis was a filler card to be honest as simic is not that deep for this cube. Bonny Pall can be a nice finisher for the lands (or really any) deck.

Colorless Changes
I decided to add two copies of Foreboding Landscape to the cube to up the fetch and shuffle count. Removed both Fellwar Stone and Jack-o'-Lantern that were very underwhelming and hardly ever drafter or played.

Thanks for reading and hope you have been enjoying the new MH3 cards for your cubes as much as I have!!

The event was a blast and I am glad so many folks had fun. I received some feedback from the people who played it and decided to make some changes. Firstly, the talismans will replace the signets. I prefer these to the signets in most cases.

Lazav, Weaver of Faces is very efficient in this cube and also backbreaking to many of the deck archetypes. I feel like if it cost 1 or 2 more mana this would not be an issue. Drown in the Loch comes in to replace it.

Silent Departure seems to be perfect for this cube but in practice it just didn't see much play for being a little too slow, Repeal comes in since it replaces itself and is an instant. This was a suggestion from @kerby and so far seems to be working out as it has seen play since the change.

Stitchwing Skaab comes in to replace Ghostly Flicker. I honestly missed the skaab when building this cube. It was suggested by @kerby as an ideal card for this environment. It will be a good replacement for flicker which, while being a good card, wasn't very synergistic and there is not a blink archetype in the cube.

Summer Bloom replaces the extremely cute Poison Dart Frog as an additional way to get lands into play for the lands deck archetype. It was pointed out by Cubeheads that more ways to gets lands into play for cards like field of the dead would be beneficial. I agree with that sentiment and will slowly start bringing more into the cube.

Finally, based on feedback, I am bringing a second copy of Ash Barrens into the cube (replacing Everflowing Chalice). The extra one-mana cycler will help that deck and also will benefit the lands and provide a little more fixing to other decks.

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