dragonfly suit > air response unit
straight forward
jolted awake > collision course
replace redundant effect with removal
glass casket > detention chariot
spicing up removal
caprichrome > guidelight synergist
better payoff for having lots artifacts
LtD has needed to go for a while
gearseeker serpent > gearseeker serpent
art change
inverted iceberg > hulldrifter
i know im low power but iceberg is too low
this one is a maybe. i love these little robot balls so much
cold case cracker > nimble thopterist
replacing yet another underperforming card
make disappear > spectral interference
pseudo-breaking singleton
loadstone needle > trade the helm
needle kinda is weak and theres so many artifact tokens around that this just becomes an on-brand mindcontrol
fen hauler > chitin gravestalker
black isnt really the go-wide artifact deck. this fills the roll "big black creature that gets cheaper"
executioners capsule > grim bauble
i never liked the on-board trick nature of capsule, so this looks fun
oath of the gray host > intimidation tactics
i dont have any hand attack. i should add hand attack (see non-DFT notes later)
sly requisitioner > pactdoll terror
see above note about black wanting to sac and not go wide (also this card is rad, holy crap)
ashnods harvester > wickerfolk indomitable
underperforming card and trying something new idk
colossal dreadmask > earthrumbler
one says graveyard
brave the wilds > plow through
idk how BtW got here. idk what i was thinking
Carnivorous Canopy > dredger's insight
durdle durdle durdle
no replace, just adding this. i am a filthy sucker for "Manalith with Set Mechanism"
junkyard genius > apocalypse runner
hokay, so Rakdos has always been the strongest color pair in my cube because it could best use the slow nature of the format to build value (think AFR treasure decks). This is a small nudge to maybe push Rakdos to attack a lil bit more. Also sneaking your little servo in with lifegain to proc some of the black lifegain-matters stuff could be sweet
invasion of kaladesh > boosted sloop
IoK is a pet fave and it might come back, but go-wide is mainly UW and less in UR. (UW wants to do affinity, where as UR cares about artifacts entering and not total amounts)
uurg spawn of turg > Broodheart Engine
Uurg was here for luls. Broodheart Engine is exactly the durdle nonsense I want
Curious cadaver > haunt the network
seems fun, worth a try
baleful strix > haunted hellride
dont tell anyone but strix probably shouldnt have been here to begin with :upsidedownsmile:
sanctuary rapter > aether jacket
i know i said i didnt like the onboard tricks of capsule but this requires losing a decent flier to activate
high speed hoverbike > skybox ferry
vibes change
ovalchase daredevil
is in the physic cube but not the digital list. ill need to cut black fours at some point
dreams of steel and oil
i need to add more hand attack, like i said
soul separator
recently got downshifted and i wanna try it
adjusting some power outliers to make room for more investigate. also foil mm2 qumulox is very pretty
trying to get as close to 360 as possible