Midway cube
(480 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Mainboard Changelist+480, -480
Alan Pollack
Minway -

I've been working a big change in a separate draft cube. Big change mostly revolves around deemphasizing cats and mutate to make space for survivor/creature tapped synergy.

Mainboard Changelist+61, -61

Testing out some WOE cards, lots of exciting things to try out. Adventures(ninjas/bounce) food (tokens/artifacts), roles (modified) are all goodies. WG has been doing quite well recently, part of the problem w/ that is that it has the best colors for protection AND a higher density of removal (oops) so I'm putting in more red removal and trying out some blue things. Also adding in some discard for black, instead of killing 4-5 drops, just force your opponent to discard them... well until they topdeck.

I still want to put in some more black removal, and maybe some creature based stunning that I can loop w/ ninjas. Also on the todo, consider RG creature storm (burning-tree style).

Lastly, I added back in a WHOLE bunch of mutate, I overcut before and the deck wasn't really coming together, but that was before bant heroic, so I've got way more reason to have them in now, and a reason to put in the blue mutators (which I've always liked for ninjas/ivy).

tuning up the 3 color gold cards some. Kamiz and volrath were basically one man game winning engines, so I'm swapping to something a bit more "accesory". Obscura Interceptor can be a repeatable tempo gain tool for ninjas while mimeoplasm is a backup plan for the combo deck or just a big beater that requires some work. Riku was too unimpactful and needed replaced. Added Gimbal instead, I've recently added many more artifact tokens, so Gimbal fits at much better now, we'll see if it's too strong.

Exile casting time, I've wanted a couple more payoffs for the archetype, esp since it's red's main card advantage engine and doesn't break hellbent. Also felt that UW foretell wasn't pushed enough, so I'm adding a bit more topend as that deck wants to be more of a control deck than a token deck anyways.

Mainboard Changelist+110, -68
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