Decided to cut back on highly non thematic removal in general.
This included removing mass board wipes that were under 4 mana value. The reason for this change is to ensure steady game progression and not full game resets without a cost of 5 or greater. In additon I wanted to make the mass board wipes very premium selections during the draft.
I also decided to pull some of the Gift a Card effects from Bloomburrow to create game tension or a trade when taking an action.
Lastly I am cutting back on generalized staples that fall outside of the Arena style play and added a few protection spells as well. Happy cubing!
Lost Caverns of Ixalan Update
WOE update. Decided to add a more dynamic card to the fold with Two Headed over the slower burn spell.
Decided to add Cascade to the Two Head Giant cube after playing David McDarby's Live the Dream Cube. Also added Filigree Vector to support the proliferate counters theme and God Pharoah's for the fun factor. Hardest cut was Edric, but decided to level out cards that give too much of an advantage. Also cut cards that inhibit play.
Clackbridge played very poorly
Balor was confusing verbiage
Sulphuric confusing verbiage opponent versus player
Shielded indestructible is a menace
LOtR update