Mainboard Changelist
+0, -1
Maybeboard Changelist
+1, -0

Laboratory Maniac with a ton of disruption was too consistently powerful. I liked how it created a whole new archetype with one card, but that's partly why it was too powerful :/

Contract from Below may need more support now

Mainboard Changelist
+0, -1

Never really played, I might replace with Putrid Imp

  • Toxic Deluge was never played and Balance might be interesting
  • Snapcaster felt weak, trying a more interesting card
  • Big mana/artifacts was too strong:
    -- Removed Mana Crypt and added Steel Sabotage and Prismatic Ending
  • Added support for black, Bitterblossom is uncertain

Removing the Dark Depths combo because it never saw play and seemed underpowered when I tried building an optimized deck for it.

Denied! seems swingy, but could be fun like Cabal Therapy
Karn, the Great Creator is some much needed artifact hate and may lead to some interesting lines
"Summoner's Bond" is a placeholder for a custom conspiracy: "Secret Substitute"

Mainboard Changelist
+1, -1

I don't like the swinginess of Chalice of the Void, especially play vs draw, and it's not fun to play against.

The Degenerate Micro Cube has 19 counterspells (although some are probably sideboard cards), while I only have 5, so it seems like I should add some. Might as well start with the flashiest one

Mainboard Changelist
+2, -0

Unexpected Potential can unlock new combinations of cards and help with the already shady mana bases.

Phyrexian Revoker interacts with a lot of stuff while being another artifact/win con for the Workshop decks.

Removing some redundant pieces (Thorn of Amethyst and Feldon's Cane), an annoying card (Ensnaring Bridge) and a card that's less necessary with the second player starting with a mana boost (Gemstone Caverns).

I think there's enough colorless mana for Thought-Knot Seer to work, Laboratory Maniac seems fine (Thassa's Oracle may be too good), Snuff Out provides an answer to both of those cards, and it's hard to evaluate Contract from Below, but it's potentially broken.