2 color mana fixing isn't actually all that great in this cube. It's nice when you get it in your colors, but has been becoming lower and lower picks as time goes on. So, similar to when the Signets swapped for generic fixing, we're swapping out more specific lands for generic counterparts.
Coming in for the 5 lands of this update:
The other Terrarion variant, Chromatic Star. Self explanatory; one-shot Prophetic Prism that works with Welders.
Sphere of the Suns. It was a consideration last time, and now makes its debut. Limited use Manalith for 2 is still solid.
Double pip enabler Star Compass. Lots of basics means Star Compass gets to do its job with impunity (acting as the artifact version of Reflecting Pool).
Omni-fetch Prismatic Vista, it's like Fabled Passage, but slightly to the left. More fetches is also good for Delerium and sac decks.
5 color pain land City of Brass. Oldie but a goodie. Fixes your mana for a bit of life.
In addition to that, to make the DImir lands more exciting, Creeping Tar Pit is coming in for Watery Grave. Manlands can at least draw you into a color pair (or give you a payoff for already being there) in a way Shocks can't, and Tar Pit is quite a good manland.