Alveric posted to Alatta -

Haven't been feeling very inspired to write a lot of words about Magic cards for a while now but still caught in this routine of writing words all the same. Here are some changes because more new cards were recently released and due to some feedback following a recent draft--the feedback was that black removal felt too free and easy. Did I truly address that? Maybe not. We'll see. "Nonartifact" in this cube was largely irrelevant re: Go for the Throat and Pile On has been pretty unremarkable.

Aven Interrupter comes out because I am getting rid of the references to Plot and it wasn't that impressive. I really like Maul of the Skyclave and generally love Stoneforge Mystic so one more target is welcome as is the fact that it also functions like a combat trick. Looking forward to Celestial Armor.

Elusive Otter was an elusive feature in decks and... look, sometimes you gotta make a cut for the sake of making a cut. Kitsa, Otterball Elite was pretty wild when I played it last week and I don't love that it is upside, upside, upside, but it is also more in line with this cube's power/vibe. I am not sure if Sphinx of Forgotten Lore can keep up in the cube but I welcome another Snapcaster effect and it's hard not to be excited by the potential of a big flasher. I know what I wrote there.

Pile On has been fine but nothing to write home about. I was impressed by Dreams of Steel and Oil in a recent draft and, while Despise shows its age a bit in how it doesn't do as much as that card, I think Despise has similar potential. It also has a cool FNM promo.

Mentioned Go for the Throat previously. It has no downside, hits almost everything, etc. Raven's Crime is a card that has some emotional resonance from "back in the day" and I want to explore hand hate options more. That you can dump lands to continue to shred an opponent's hand seems neat and pairs nicely with a card we'll get to in a moment.

Slickshot Show-Off is pretty cool when you're playing Arena BO1 and just want to go wild in some sort of RDW. As a single card in this cube I have found it to be less impressive and tricky to time in a way that isn't fun to me. Can't say I'll miss it a bunch. Going to give Magmatic Channeler another shot.

Taking Cathartic Pyre out because no one seemed to ever play it except for, of course, in the last draft when it was used in a 5C Slogurk deck and was really cool. Flame Jab can also go in a Slogurk deck and is a classic so score one for the jab.

Twinshot Sniper will probably pop back in again at some point because it is just one of those good, functional cards. Maybe? In the meantime, Tarfire is also a good functional card with some weird benefits given the Kindred thing.

Utopia Sprawl similarly can come back in again another time maybe. Instead, here's another classic card: Life from the Loam. I find Loam to be an intimidating card because, to me, it sure seems like it requires some big brained thinking. That said, it's the fun sort of thinking. I think. I look forward to misplaying it.

Prismari Command is totally fine but doesn't see a lot of play so I am adding back in a totally fine card that is maybe also a little nuts in this environment, Electrolyze.

People loved to make jokes about how Lost Jitte sure isn't Umezawa's. It's kind of funny but also I think I would rather have a single Jitte in the cube--one that inspires fear and sweaty palms. I love fightning against Umezawa's Jitte and Witherbloom Command can help in that fight. It can also support the lands stuff going on with Loam. It can also drain an opponent... does anyone do that?

Have a nice weekend.