The cube was drafted this past weekend at the first Capitol Cube Championship and, while I kind of wanted to wait and see what information I could gleam from draft photos and data shared via the Hedron Network, it is Monday, there are a bunch of Bloomburrow cards on my desk, and I don't really want to do my job.
Cube content, and hopefully personal contentment, here we come.
First and foremost, I am basically swapping out all of the manlands for another cycle of shocks. I am doing this because, a lot of the manlands are dumb and bad, it makes little sense to have a complete cycle of cards just for the sake of having a cycle, and I have a shocklands that I am not using regularly and would like to change that.
I am keeping Celestial Colonnade, Creeping Tar Pit, and Restless Vinestalk as they all do see some play and "fit" broadly within those colors. That said, I am also adding another Hallowed Fountain, Watery Grave, and Breeding Pool and simply removing Chromatic Sphere, Chromatic Star, and Golos, Tireless Pilgrim. The Chromatic cards weren't really played that much and the baubles are my preferred colorless cantrips. As to Golos, I really don't care about the card. If I am going to have a five mana artifact it is going to be Batterskull and I am not adding Batterskull back at this time. Since adding Field of the Dead, the card has performed remarkably well and does not seem to need Golos to do so. There are two other adds that may help out Field and generally fit in this cube that we'll get to.
So there are three Bloomburrow cards that I want to give a shot and also Force of Will. Lol? I don't have much in way of thinking beyond, over the summer, I have watched a decent amount of boshnroll and am becoming legacy-pilled or something, and it is just one of those cool classics that it would be fun to own and play. Maybe I am wrong in that assessment. Snap is an easy card to take out.
As to the cute animal set, I am adding Stormchaser's Talent, Kitsa, Otterball Elite, and Valley Floodcaller. Kitsa is upside upon upside and another seemingly pushed blue two-drop so that "makes sense" here. I think Stormchaser's Talent is better than it lets on and the same is true for Valley Floodcaller who also allows a player to do one of my favorite things--cast spells at instant speed. Faerie Vandal is aggressively fine and I have commented before about Stormwing Entity gets no respect so this is par the course. If I am being honest, one of these cuts should probably be Elusive Otter but, whatever, otters are fun(ny).
I am pretty excited about Iridescent Vinelasher and Darkstar Augur and extremely high on Fell. It is time I acknowledge that maybe Murderous Rider is not cutting it and Tenacious Underdog is just an underdog. I don't have anything witty to say about Innocent Blood.
Hired Claw seems pretty spicy and what's note to love about a 2MV red creature with haste and prowess a la Emberheart Challenger? Will the Valiant text ever prove relevant? Let's find out. Playful Shove is being tested as part of my search for cantrips in all colors. The fact that it can remove a decent amount of the creatures in the cube helps mitigate the cost, and speed.
Highway Robbery comes out without ever getting played because it has cowboy hats. Zurgo Bellstriker is the least impressive of my current one-drops IMHO and Shivan Devastator doesn't really spark a great deal of joy which is a real shame for a big dragon.
Okay, so, for a while now it has felt like a big "thing" with this cube is low curve, low curve, low curve. That kind of runs counter to what green is known for which I have largely been fine with because I find ramp really boring. Does that all get undone if I add Primeval Titan? Because, I have a copy of the card that I would like to play and I think it would be fun here and if someone is going to spend a lot of mana to search for Field of the Dead I would rather they do it with a titan rather than an artifact scout. To further add to the "lands" identity, I want to give Crop Rotation a shot. If nothing else, it is easier to read than Feral Encounter. I am also adding Pawpatch Recruit.
Goldvein Hydra is just a big dumb generic hydra. Don't really love the vigilance on it either. It can take a break for a bit.
Glarb, Calamity's Augur is a card that is more than a card but also still just a card. Will it be good here? Hard to say. Will it see more play than Quandrix Command? Also hard to say but I think that card saw like zero play so the bar is low.
I am fairly convinced that there is real potential for a Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar deck in this cube but that will have to wait for another time as I am re-adding Renegade Rallier.
Can't wait to see what I did wrong or what changes have to be made after the fact.