The previous update changed a bunch of cards but didn't have a huge impact on gameplay. I swapped a bunch of lands. Removed some notable power outliers I'd seen enough of: Legolas, Master Archer, Feldon, Ronom Excavator, and Earthshaker Khenra. And swapped a few fairly replaceable cards.

I was excited to add Eutropia the Twice-Favored. It's a card I enjoyed playing in limited and has always seemed perfect in terms of power, complexity, and gameplay, but not so much on theme. Since I've been pushing the Curiosity theme though, suddenly it makes a lot of sense. Attaching a Leap to your Curiosity is a cool plan. Although there isn't a huge enchantment theme, I think there's just enough incidentally to bring the card up to rate with a little bit of work. I'll look to add a few more depending on how things play.

After the last Cube Con, blue clearly lagged a bit behind. This is a small change that hopefully powers it up a bit. Mischievous Mystic is going to be very strong here, probably one of the best blue cards. Refute and Elementalist Adept and perfect, clean, serviceable cards over some that often end up in sideboards. Someone said people should put Jace Beleren in a cube and after some thought it seems like a good fit. Super simple but takes some work to get value out of since it doesn't protect itself. Seal of Removal is another enchantment for Eutropia that hopefully is another useful tool for the small Ninja theme.

Watcher for Tomorrow is a card that's been in the cube since it's inception. I like the card but looking for cuts it stood out. The fact that it enters tapped is easy to forget, hideaway is a little fiddly and takes time, and it just doesn't really play into many themes.

Lilypad Village was literally a mistake. I was making last minute changes before CubeCon, grabbing surveil lands with a search and plugging them into my bulk order, and didn't notice until after the CubeCon list lock. oooops! Sorry to anyone who copied the list and has this weirdo, do nothing land in it!