Larger update than anticipated!
Continue speeding up games
Improve delirium package
Clean up needless mechanics and text
Stormchaser's Talent and Kumano Faces Kakkazan - 1mv creatures for the prowess deck that also trigger prowess and provide lots of value. Stormchaser's also fits neatly into the control deck as Typhoon 2.
Baleful Mastery and Innocent Blood - Mastery comes in as a great answer for recursive threats and Innocent Blood as a nice cheap edict for control. Trying to let the control decks have a bit easier time dealing with threats so that once they turn the corner, the games end faster.
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar and Sentinel of the Nameless City - Fuck it I love these cards and they do give the midrange deck better options.
Primordial Mist, Torrential Gearhulk, and Gorex, the Tombshell - Better (questionable for Gorex) and more decisive control finishers. Gorex and Gearhulk providing more reasons to get the GY full.
More Manlands - The great Manland update of LCI proved a little too successful as many games came down to Hall or a Restless land dodging all removal. This ground games down to a crawl as the control decks could chill as long as they need to.
Ajani, Nacatl Pariah - This card is just way too busted and any recursion or blinking made it a huge groaner.
Sorry Alex, Murderous Rider is just not it.
Idk what's on the horizon after Foundations. Hoping that provides some powerful and clean options. I think the race set is next? Can't imagine the cube going through much radical change in the next year. I will continue dialing in what works and trying to keep our playgroup happy.