Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

Having never played Fallout, I have no opinion of the game itself. But as a Universes Beyond set in Magic: the Gathering, I am very opinionated.

Thanks, I hate it!

I hate all the guns and modern/future tech in the art.
I hate a lot of the names and themes that feel like they should be (but aren't) silver-bordered.
I hate that these cards clash aesthetically with Magic's own IP; unlike LOTR, which is at least Magic-adjacent, these cards feel like an entirely different game.
I hate the mechanics that are too parasitic for cube.
I hate the cards that create complicated counters that they do not explain on the card ("Reading the card does not, in fact, explain the card").
I hate that Mark Rosewater said they are abandoning Universes Within.

Cathedral Acolyte is the only card I plan to test. I like that it fits in an existing archetype, even if the window for activation is very narrow. I like that it looks like it could have been in a real MTG set.

I had also considered Young Deathclaws (I do already run Dreg Mangler for a similar effect), but ultimately I decided against it.

Seb McKinnon
FunkyDragon -

Grimdancer is an excellent, flexible card. But I already run Vampire of the Dire Moon, Gifted Aetherborn, and Vampire Nighthawk, which all share design space with Grimdancer. Most of the time, you're going to choose either menace/deathtouch or lifelink/deathtouch, in which case, the Nighthawk is just better. Replacing either of the other two would increase my average cmc, which i try to avoid without good reason.
