Some cards that were previously in the cube coming back. Some new ones. I keep on not dying, the sun keeps on rising.

I played Bloodghast the last time the cube was drafted and, honestly, it was too persistent. Kind of bummer, but such is life. Stalactite Stalker has been inoffensive but I am not terribly fond of how oddly it reads due to "descended". Evolved Sleeper, and Warden of the First Tree, coming out are the closest I will get to cutting Student of Warfare and Figure of Destiny at this time. You are welcome @Lemem.

A year or so ago I bought an original Liliana of the Veil and Huntmaster of the Fells because it seemed absolutely wild that I could buy both cards for under $10 total. Lili was immediately added to the cube and Huntmaster has sat in my little collection box and was briefly in a Wizard's Tower before returning to the box. I have been ambivalent about Radha since forever. I was thinking of testing that new scarecrow from Duskmourn but I don't have a copy of it and am not terribly motivated to get one. Huntmaster has shown its age in so many ways but if I can't give it a shot in here what I am even doing?

Abundant Growth felt needlessly cute and not great for a cantrip. Edge of Autumn plays into the general spells-matter vibe and can also cantrip.

Finally, I was hoping to maybe try a little manifest package with Whisperwood Elemental, Abhorrent Oculus, and Hauntwoods Shrieker but, per the above, I feel no real desire to get new cards. So, just going to give the one I have a shot and see what happens.