• Elvish Mystic > Delighted Halfling
    • Extremely obvious swap. Delighted Hafling is strictly better in this cube as a 2 toughness dork and also has some nice upside of making your legends uncounterable.
  • Remand > Reprieve
    • Reprieve is a strictly better remand in this cube as it gets around uncounterable spells (see Delighted Halfling). I considered cutting other counterspells like Daze or Miscalculation and just having 2 remand effects because its a counterspell play style that I enjoy more. But, in the end, I decided its probably more interesting to have the variety.
  • Deep Forest Hermit > Riders of Rohan
    • Riders is a LOTR Commander card that hasn't gotten much notice but its a pretty nasty 5 drop. 8 power across 3 bodies, 4 of which has haste for 5 mana is really nice, plus you have the ability to just make 2 2/2 haste creatures for 6 mana every turn with dash. But, most importantly, its human for the Winota decks.
  • Spectral Procession > Shadow Summoning
    • This was a tough call. I've been feeling like the curve in the cube has been a bit too high so I thought swapping a 3 mana token maker for a 2 mana one made sense. Especially since a lot of the token payoffs are 3 mana.
  • Galazeth Prismari > Aragorn, the Uniter
    • Aragorn just seems like such a sweet card in this cube. No idea if its actaully good, its probably too slow but I had to give it a shot. Galazeth just wasn't as good as I wanted to be. The fact that you couldn't tap artifact token creatures the turn you cast them and that you could only cast instants and sorceries with the mana was just too awkward.
  • Scheming Fence > Orcish Bowmasters
    • This spot has changed around a lot and has always been just a random good value 2 drop that is interesting. Bowmasters has some nice synnergies with the token deck and just seems more powerful than Scheming Fence.
  • Brokers Charm > Flame of Anor
    • I almost missed Flame when first looking at the spoiler because I immediately focused on the Wizard part and didn't pay attention to the fact that this was just a really good charm variant. Compared to Brokers Charm, both have a draw 2, Flame has a better kill spell, and killing and artifact vs. enchantment is kind of a wash. Plus, there are actually 16 wizards in the cube so the Wizard part of this is very real.
  • Memory Jar > The One Ring
    • It appears that The One Ring may be extremely broken. Its not the most interesting card in the world but its super powerful so I think it just makes sense here. Memory Jar was really never very good.