I want the environment of this cube to be fairly aggressive, and I find I don't enjoy the gameplay of "draw-go" control decks. This update pushes control closer to a Death & Taxes build by adding high-value creatures such as Keening Banshee (Mist Raven's best friend), Cloudblazer, and Plague Spitter. Flickerwisp and Glimmerpoint Stag allow the reuse of ETB effects attached to these creatures, and while I still refuse to support an entire flicker archetype (rant for another day), these two are powerful enough on their own without requiring players to build around them entirely.

Siren Stormtamer, Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea, and Vryn Wingmare are included as means of protecting your threats, imitating Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Mother of Runes and other classic D&T cards.

Creeping Bloodsucker, Topplegeist and Stinging Lionfish are here to support control decks in the early game and become irritating threats as the game progresses.

Oketra's Attendant and Sinister Starfish are card selection effects that enable delirium and similar graveyard-based mechanics. The attendant in particular has a wonderful design as a poor card replacement effect that can become a threat in the late game. Twisted Image also offers card replacement while doubling as a combat trick, an effect which I feel the cube is lacking in.

Finally, Ominous Seas is a fun little card that fits in the same niche as Myth Realized, Levitating Statue, and Untethered Express, help control decks to dodge sorcery-speed removal spells and encourages proliferate shenanigans.

RIP to Loyal Cathar, one of the best white weenie two-drops in Peasant. I would love to keep the card in, but I encourage three-colour decks and this just doesn't fit on curve as much as I'd like it to.

Future Considerations:
Soulherder: I prefer this unique effect to Mulldrifter 2 aka. Cloudblazer, but I worry the card may be too warping as it can quickly take over the game in a rather oppressive manner.
Mother of Runes: One of the most powerful one-drops in peasant, and similar to Soulherder, perhaps one that is too powerful.