Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

ONE Update

Phyrexia: All Will Be One is a great and powerful set, but not that much for this cube. As I don't plan to include Poison Counters/Toxic/Corrupted, this really limits the number of changes you will find below:


+Planar Disruption, -Pacifism: strict upgrade


+Meldweb Strider, -Errant Ephemeron: the ephemeron wasn't really great even if you managed to suspend it early. Meldweb Spider is a nice vehicule for multiplayer thanks to Vigilance, and can even attack on a whim by removing its oil counter. A great design and hopefully a nice addition to the cube.


Nothing, although Offer Immortality might make the cut someday.


-Academy Raider, +Chimney Rabble: the raider was a bit too fragile at 1 toughness for 3CMC. Chimney Rabble is a good creature that can surprise opponents with its haste and provide a blocker for one more mana. Also both are goblins, which is relevant.


Hooting Mandrills-, +Skyscythe Engulfer: Delve rarely makes that huge of a difference and the Engulfer is a great all-around creature that can be a real pain for flying-centric decks like U/B.