Catching up on the trip to a more modern time that was NEO and SNC.

u Blue:

Toluz, Clever Conductor is coming in as a mono-blue card. That mana cost lets it be cast for mono-blue and it requires at least blue, so that's what it is. Toluz should give more advantage to the looters that have been coming in recently, as well as more opportunity for shenanigans, which I always like. Hypnotic Siren is the cut this time. As much as I love this card, the 7 mana mode is hardly ever used, and there are better options for Flying Men.

b Black:

Reckless Spite, despite seeming like a great time (two birds, one kill spell an all that), never really gets played. Requiring 2 targets and hitting you for 5 make it unattractive in the usually grindy games it would otherwise be good in. Eradicator Valkyrie should fix those issues by providing itself as a clock, as well as gaining life.

The meme is finally dead, Phage the Untouchable has left the building. She doesn't get to do much even when cast (the few times that has happened). In exchange, we have Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion coming in. He has a cool effect that scales to multiplayer nicely, doesn't run away with the game on his own, and plays nicely with other cards in the cube already, like Pack Rat and Swarmyard.

r Red:

Simple change here, Rabbit Battery is coming in in the place of the almost never played Flames of the Blood Hand. 4 damage for 3 mana is usually fine, but only going face is rough for that cost. Battery is just better in most aggro lists.


w-b Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim just isn't quite performing like I wanted it to. Never has really. The unfortunate truth is there just isn't a lifegain list in the cube, nor is the aristocrats list in BW conductive to high toughness creatures to throw away to raise your life enough. Wernog, Rider's Chaplain will be taking its place as a card that more strategies will hopefully like.

Hinata, Dawn-Crowned finally brings an interesting Jeskai card with a unique effect that the cube wants. It's coming in over Breaking // Entering, a card that, while it does do work for a few separate archetypes, doesn't get picked all that often.

c Colorless:

A swap of the damage increasing artifacts. Another Bonesplitter is coming in in the form of Eater of Virtue to take the place of Hall of Triumph, an anthem that just doesn't usually make the cut.