Large amount of updates here to help trim some of the wild hares/hairs and increase the contributors to some of the archetypes. I've pulled some cards that don't contribute to the tribal archetypes and I have powered down some of the P/T stats for non-Kavu. There were also a lot of nostalgia cards that were added originally without much thought of synergies, these are getting culled as I playtest and see these cards sitting lonely at pick15.

Manabarbs > Mana Echoes : I had a goblin mana echoes deck back in the day that I was very fond of that involved going bananas with Warbreak Trumpeter and Skirk Prospector. I recently spoke with my friend Amos who built a very similar deck about 20 years ago, fueled mostly through Skirk Fire Marshal. The instant speed X damage spells can reap these rewards, the tribal synergies can spread to other colors, and what a better way to scare the idea of mana burn than mana echoes?

Jackal Pup > Goblin Patrol : This is exclusively to increase the number of goblins in the cube as the Jackal doesn't contribute to any tribal synergies. It's tough as there is such a heavy nostalgia feel for the Pup... maybe I'll change my mind later on

Riptide Replicator > Phyrexian Colossus : The replicator is such a hugs mana sink that we never get around to. Nobody played this back in the day. Also nobody plays it now. Maybe in ONS draft? Colossus has some untap/twiddle combo synergy and has heavy nostalgia

Teferi's Puzzle Box / Rocket Launcher : I've always loved Rocket Launcher and the cube needed some heavy mana sinks for going wild with mana production (Mirari's Wake, Mana Echoes, Worldgorger Dragon, etc). Puzzle Box wasn't doing much or contributing to any synergies/exploits

Tangle Wire > Skull Catapult : I'm only removing a second copy of Tangle Wire, there's still one left in here, but Skull Catapult lets there be more stacked damage exploits in mid-combat for all colors

Circular Logic > Ethereal Forager : Like Tangle Wire, this is only a cut of the 2nd copy of Circular Logic. Counters are already well supported. I originally wrote down for me to get Eternal of Harsh Truths as it is a zombie/cleric ophidian, but I ended up not having one in my collection, and the spell-whale was near it alphabetically in my blue box. It still synergizes well with Psychatog and other discard outlets, leans heavily into the control game and likely nets an extra card or two (for Psychatog food, of course). I'm only concerned that it may be too powerful

Evacuation > Drain Power : Evacuation was not getting played at all and is difficult to exploit, especially when it is near Upheaval or the bazillion white/black board wipes. Drain Power isn't going to ever see play in any other non-mana-burn environment

To Be Upgraded: 3
Modern Alt Borders: 14
Modern Bordered Cards: 146
Retro Borders: 62