While it is native to Innistrad, Emancipation Angel suffers similar problems to those that Faerie Impostor did. Namely, it needs other things in play to function well. Unlike Impostor, it can bounce lands or itself, but the body isn't quite big enough for the typical tempo loss. Coming in to replace it is Harmonious Archon, a beefy payoff for the flicker/blink deck.
The first swap has been a long time coming. Flitterstep Eidolon has long been a low pick relegated to sideboards at best. 2 mana for 1 damage a turn is not great, and the Bestow is far too expensive for the effect. Suspicious Stowaway better fills Eidolon's role in almost every way, as an unblockable threat that loots and can grow to be better even than that.
Vapor Snag is a fantastic bit of tempo for aggressive decks that dip into blue. Given the possible multiplayer nature of the games, and the existence of a blink deck, Fading Hope looks like it will fill the role better. It doesn't tax the life of the user if used on their own creatures, for one, and scry is a fairly potent sidegrade to ping.
Dispel is being taken out for Spell Pierce, a card with far more targets that won't sit rotting in hand most of the time.
It feels weird taking out Phyrexian Rager. It's been a mainstay for a long time now, acting as solid curve filler with the cantrip ability. Replacing it is Foul Play, a cantripping kill spell that also synergizes with any artifact strategies.
Reckless Stormseeker is coming in. It's a fantastic red 3 drop, that both has "haste" and enables it on other creatures on future turns, basically a red 3 mana version of Surrak, the Hunt Caller. It will be replacing Scab-Clan Berserker, which, while it does punish non-creatures, does less than Stormseeker for a greater mana density.
Continuing on with last update, we have more things that care about artifacts and that synergize with Liquimetal Torque: Outland Liberator. The floor of mono-colored Qasali Pridemage (without exalted) is already good, and the upside on the flip is amazing. I have high hopes for this one. The card being replaced is Ohran Viper. While Viper is fantastic, I think the inclusion of the Liberator makes up for the loss of an Ophidian variant (especially with the fairly recent inclusion of Toski).
The next change changes up some of the mana effects. Omnath, Locus of Mana's storage effect is coming out in exchange for Cemetery Prowler's mana reduction effect. Omnath only manages to store a few mana, and is more used as a body than anything else in the average case. Prowler has the advantage of coming in with a relevant body, as well as being a Wolf, which is a relevant type as far as a few of the lords are concerned.
More wolves! Nightpack Ambusher is our newest wolf lord, and strong alone to boot. It's replacing one of the cheat enablers, Gamekeeper, which, while it can be good, is less reliable than other options.
On the topic of cantripping creatures coming out, Nessian Game Warden is finally being replaced. Game Warden is, in the average case, a body that draws another body when it enters. Its replacement, Ishkanah, Grafwidow, attempts to make up for not drawing another body by being another body (or rather 3 more bodies).
Poor Skeleton Key. It does good work, but is very expensive to equip for something you want active as soon as possible for looting. With the inclusion of Stowaway, the Key is coming out in exchange for more mana fixing, this time in the form of Terrarion, which, as an added bonus, plays well with Welder type decks.