AKA: The flicker deck update part 2.

w White:

Thraben Doomsayer used to be quite good, generating blockers every turn is quite a respectable profession. But the 2/2 body and inability to create a chump blocker the turn it comes into play hurts in the lategame. It's being replaced with Teleportation Circle for a more synergistic card.

u Blue:

Yes, yes. Mothdust Changeling lasted all of 2 updates. That doesn't mean it's gone for good, but Silver Raven is here to increase the power of Tinker lists and to give some early drops for flicker lists.

Continuing in the Barrin replaces a 5 drop game ending threat trend, Barrin is replacing a 5 drop game ending threat . More synergy for self-flicker in excange for a slightly lower blue top end.

Thassa, Deep-Dwelling has been a long desired inclusion, and this update finally puts it in. It replaces Incursion Specialist, a decent blue aggro card for the two spells a turn deck or Xerox, which is less supported than the Specialist wants.

g Green:

More squirrels this update, with Toski, Bearer of Secrets. It's replacing Soul of Zendikar, a relatively mediocre stat brick with attached mana sink. The biggest loss here is the loss of high stat reach in mono-green, so there's a possibility of other high power reachers like World Breaker or Ishkanah, Grafwidow making it in in the future.

The other update is less likely to cause a stir, with the lower power token generator Druid's Call being replaced with the higher power Esika's Chariot.


g-w Fleecemane Lion, respected stat brick and unkillable blocker, is making room for the synergistic Renegade Rallier, known solid card with flicker.

u-g In Simic news, once good tempo card Beetleform Mage has, to the surprise of very few, been doing poorly in recent times. In light of this, we welcome back Coiling Oracle from its long hiatus as yet another creature that loves to flicker.

c Colorless:

Just a bit of support for graveyard and Tinker decks this time around with God-Pharaoh's Gift making its way into the main list. Sadly, we lost the dream equipment Argentum Armor, which, while tons of fun while in play, does have a 6 mana equip cost. 6 mana to play isn't bad (especially with the plethora of artifact accelerants), but paying 6 to equip does hurt every time a removal spell is cast.