This latest cube update includes four of the five cards from Commander Legends court cycle. In addition to bestowing the monarch on the player each card includes a power effect that pairs nicely with a few of the deck archetypes within the cube.
Chasm Skulker always felt out of place in the cube in regards to the cube's theme. Academy Elite is a much better choice given it was printed in the original conspiracy set and plays nicely with the spells matters archetype.
Opposition was added to the cube as a pet card in hopes that it would pair nicely with the tokens deck. It turns out that its effect isn't as powerful in a multiplayer game, thus making it hard to justify as a splash.
Court of Ambition may be too powerful in either the politics deck of the value control deck. At this time Court of Ambition will be under heavy review.
There is an elf subtheme to the the graveyard matters and Harald Unites the Elves is a pretty strong signpost as to what the color pair can do. I am however a little disappointed that had to include a card that focuses on Kaldheim to tie together the main theme and subtheme of together.
Squirrels somehow became a subtheme of the tokens deck. Honestly Forgotten Ancient was cut more often than not by players who drafted it. Chitterspitter should add a bit of fun to the emerging squirrel deck.