Some more shuffling to replace cards with lower usages.
Dryad Militant is, on average, just a Savannah Lions. While Savannah Lions is not a bad card, it under-performs and is a late pick a good chunk of the time. Huatli allows for toughness based decks to win in a different way. If Huatli plays well, there is potential for other such effects, like Assault Formation or Doran.
Ouphe is usually a 1/1 that at best shuts down Obelisk of Alara or similar for a turn cycle, which isn't optimal. Goose functions as a multipurpose mana dork and mana sink and should be much appreciated in more decks.
Cathedral is good, but Ugin is just better for more decks.
Silverfur Partisan almost never generates a Wolf, there just isn't the support for the deck it wants. Unlike Young Pyromancer, Silverfur isn't on curve, so without the value, it huts in the slot. Mayor is a Wolf token generator that produces without need of other cards and can also anthem for the most common creature type in the cube.
Spikeshot is amazing when it works, but the average case is 3 mana for 1 damage. Given that 2 of that must be red, it's usually only happening once a turn. Grim Lavamancer is once per turn for 2 damage, though it does lose a goblin slot.
Thunderblust is too color dense to be an efficient threat, and the trample is one turn too late. It has been replaced with a more efficient recursive threat with faster evasion.