Modern Horizons 3 Update

This one is a doozy! MH3 introduces lots of powerful commons, which means this is one of the biggest updates in months.

.: W :.

+Expel the Unworthy -Congregate: Much like the now retired Momen't Peace, Congregate only serves to prolong the game. Considering this is a Multiplayer Cube, the card can singlehandely net you 15+ life. There's already Riot Control for that, but one had to go. Expel is not the strongest card out there, but it hits so many creatures for the cost that it's fine. Exile is stronger than destroy, and the Kicker means you can hit anything later in the game.

.: U :.

+Serum Visionary -Cloudkin Seer: part of my goal with such changes is to make sure Blue doesn't only get evasive creatures. Since most of that color's gets to fly over blockers, I like to twist it some and Visionary fits well. There are a number of ways to generate good card advantage and I think it'll be fun.

+Drownyard Lurker -Striped Riverwinder: if you ask me, mechanics like Hexproof (and to a lesser extend-ward) actively harm the game. Hexproof is bad because it basically means you can't interact with cards outside of combat tricks. Riverwinder felt unexciting for a while and the Lurker has Vigilance, which is weird on a Blue cycling card for sure but incredible in Multiplayer. The cycling cost is high, but Blue doesn't get that many big beaters so I'm looking forward to including this big baddie.

.: R :.

+Deputized Protester -Molten Gatekeeper: Red is the king of pings in this Multiplayer Cube. This allows you to inflict damage despite clogged up boards. The Unearth on Molten Gatekeeper is a nice bonus for one last hurrah. I'm less hot on Melee in general and purposely phasing it out completely.

:. B :.

+Accursed Marauder -Hoard Robber: hello upgraded Fleshbag Marauder! You will have much more utility than Hoard Robber, because that card unfortunately is better at defending than attacking, making the treasure-making effect kinda not that appealing.

+Retrofitted Transmogrant -Tormented Soul: at some point I wanted each color to have unblockable tools at their disposal. However, Tormented Soul is very fragile and doesn't do much. There are a number of enchantments that can pay off having such an evasive critter, but it's mostly not worth it. Retrofitted Transmogrant is another fun take in the league of Persistent Speciment that give Black sacrifice fodder and chomp blockers. It's also fun to activate during an opponent's EOT. I wish to see a common creature that you can bring back without being tapped.

+Scurrilous Sentry -Crypt Lurker: I like the fact that the Knights lets you fuel your graveyard while possibly growing bigger doing so. Repeatable effects are strong in Cube and the Menace isn't to be overlooked. This can be a 4/5 on its first attack and the ceiling is high.

+Eviscerator's Insight -Village Rites: one mana less for the same effect is better in faster environments, but here the Flashback and ability to choose an artifact make Eviscerator's Insight a great upgrade.

.: G :.

+Nyxborn Hydra -Skyshroud Archer: Green is basically the anti-flying color with so many Reach creatures that Skyshroud Archer felt a bit underwhelming. Although not being able to kill creatures on a whim, Nyxborn Hydra has a lot of interesting implications. First, its ceiling is high, making it a much better late-game inclusion. Secondly, Bestow is a fun mechanic especially when the first creature eats a removal, leaving you with another one in most cases. Lastly, being an Enchantment also means you can get it back with cards like Ironclad Slayer (W pairs well with G in this Cube).

+Gift of the Viper -Moment's Peace: Gift is probably one of the best 1CMC combat tricks ever. It also shows just how powercrept the game is even looking back only a few years. Momen't Peace is the kind of card that is just unfun to play against: it grinds the game to a halt, making combat a slog. Add the fact that there are quite a few spells letting you fetch cards from your graveyards and you can play it more than twice in a game, which is just too much.

+Eldrazi Repurposer -Brightwood Tracker: although I enjoy trying to find creatures in Green, the Tracker's ability simply costs too much. Repurposer is basically Kozilek's Predator for one less mana, although you get the second token on death. The reason I'm having both is because they fit well in sacrifice/ramp strategies.

+Colossal Dreadmask -Repopulate: let's be real-I'm switching one meme card for another here! Truth be told, I'm not sure I've ever seen someone cast Repopulate in my Cube in the 5+ years I've had it. The reason for its existence was some kind of silver bullet against the fringe milling strategy or some late-game refuelling of your library (games tend to take a LOT of time). Six mana for a 6/6 trampler is fine but not really exciting. HOWEVER, the fact this is an Equipment makes all the difference. You get a creature thanks to Living Weapon, then you can equip this and basically get any creature to be a real threat. Dreadmaw is OP! ^^

.: Multicolor :.