So Commander Masters 2023 introduces quite a few downshifts, and one of the most exciting ones is Dread Return. So long, Rise Again, we barely knew ya!

Generous Gift is also exciting at common. Since it's any permanent, I feel it has more applications than Afterlife, so that card is out too.

Talking of sweepers, Sulfurous Blast is neat. On the other hand, Swirling Sandstorm is a sorcery that can sit in your hand doing nothing. Bye!

Cycling is great, but a sweeper is greater. Drown in Sorry at common is sweet. Swat was a bit narrow and costly for the effect, so it's out.

All That Glitters is an exciting build-around card for White. I feel like the color has enough removal as-is, and decided to cut Radiant's Judgment to make place for the new enchantment and artifact-matter card.

And then there's Crash of Rhino Beetles. Talk about a downshift! From rare to common. This is an exciting card in the end game.

Nettle Drone is fun as a pinger, however it's very difficult to get it to untap more than once. I feel the inclusion of Guttersnipe will be interesting, plus it's a goblin which is a tribe supported in the cube.

Murmuring Mystic synergizes well with UR shells, and I feel like Phantasmal Dreadmaw is too fragile to see real play. Another card I'm excited about!

Joining the ranks of fallen rares is Goliath Sphinx, which I feel is more fun to face than Gearseeker Serpent. Unblockable and hexproof are two mechanics I kinda hate as they're not interactive.

Galvanic Alchemist never saw real play even though the ability can be powerful...but at 3 mana it was a bit much. Vizier on the other hand has cycling and doesn't require mana to use it. I feel it's a strict upgrade.

That's it for now. Commander Masters delivers in this regard, that's a pretty big changelist from a single set.