The Conspiracy cards that interact with the draft have been left untuned for quite some time.
Leovold's Operative is the 2nd Cogwork Librarian, but it's effect is much worse and aids only one player. I finally have decided to include a second copy of Cogwork Librarian and break the singleton restriction: this rule was arbitrary and only useful to increase variety and creativity.

Similarly many of my players wished for Agent of Acquisitions and even tho I cut it a few years back because it was under-utilized, many other cards in the cube have changed so I'd like to see how it fares in this transformed environment.
Vehicles like Untethered Express have been noticeably worse than similarly powered equipment. Most creatures in the cube have combat-relevant abilities that synergize with equipment.

Smuggler Captain is frustrating as in more than 50% of the games the named card will already be drawn before the Captain could enter the battlefield.
Bloodthorn Flail is replacing it and mantains the effect of Trusty Machete as a boon to cards like Vampire Nighthawk while enabling discard synergies.

Trusty Machete is in my evaluation slightly better than Bonesplitter... I'm cutting it because I want slightly weaker colorless equipment.
I hope Sorcerous Spyglass can disrupt some comboes and offer a novel effect to the cube.

In an effort to reduce complexity during the draft I'm cutting down on double-face cards: Haunter of Nightveil is back as Invasion of Amonkhet is way too much text (RIP to Battles).

But where are the Foundations cards you might ask?
After this last unrelated swap: Armored Scrapgorger is too wordy and in an crowded slot so I'm replacing it with Clifftop Lookout. It doesn't fix mana as well but it blocks 1/1 flyers and ramps even while chump-blocking.

Goblin Surprise is identical to You See a Pair of Goblins except it doesn't have titles to each choice so it's marginally easier to read for the first time.

Militia Bugler can miss 10% of the time even in the absolute best case scenario. Since its printing there have been newer options for card-advantage in white so (as the now weakest 3-drop) I'm cutting it for Angel of Finality. I'm hoping its large stats mean it will be played maindeck even if the ability isn't directly relevant to the matchup.

Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage hasn't left a good impression in games against midrange decks.
I'm trying out Seeker's Folly as a flexible Mind Rot that should have a larger impact on the board than Davriel.

Dark Tutelage has been an experimental inclusion and so far what it managed to do is make players ask "why is this here?".
While I like the card I enjoy too much the play pattern of Spider Spawning decks and I need to test out Revenge of the Rats as a 2nd copy.

Obstinate Baloth's protection from discard works so much better in constructed, here is just flavor text. I'm curious to see how the similarly relevant body of Elvish Regrower fares in cube.

Good-Fortune Unicorn is one more enabler for swarm of tokens and for the persist combo. At some point I'll be cutting down on these but I still feel there could be use for one more.
I'm sad to see Qasali Pridemage go but it's been replaced with many similar effects both in white and in green.
It felt redundant to add the Pridemage in a deck that had access to both monocolored options.