• Goblin Rabblemaster > Slimefoot and Squee
    • Pretty straightforward swap. I feel like slimefoot is a sweet card, not sure if its actually better than Rabblemaster but it might be and I think its probably at least close. Plus, its definitely a more interesting card.
  • Voldaren Pariah > Knight-Errant of Eos
    • I think Pariah was a nice idea but I'm not sure how actually viable it ever really was. There are discard decks and there are token decks and there are sacrifice decks but I think it was kind of rare that they all came together. Knight-errant slots really nicely into go-wide strategies and seems like a cool card..
  • Wurmcoil Engine > Kogla and Yidaro
    • Wurmcoil Engine has been on my cut list for a while now. Its sort of meant to be a card you can cast that also can be cheated out with things like tinker, shape anew, or Flash but it was kind of just the worst option for all of those plans. I'm not positive that Kogla and Yidara is going to stick but its at least a much better 6 drop to cast and has some cool other utility.
  • Clay Champion > Omnath, Locus of All
    • I haven't had too much chance to play with Clay Champion so I feel a bit bad cutting it but I never really felt like it was much more than solid and Omnath at least is super interesting and flavorful for the cube. I'll definitely need to play with it a bit to see if its actually good but its a cool idea at least.
  • Suspicious Stowaway > Rona, Herald of Invasion
    • Reasonably straight forward switch. I think stoaway might just be better but I'd like to try out Rona. Given how many legends there are in the cube I think it has a chance to be super powerful. I'm considering adding Retraction Helix to combo with it and Mox Amber but if I do, I'll have to find some other cards that combo with Helix to make it worth it.
  • Jodah, Archmage Eternal > Urabrask
    • Jodah is a flavorful card in the cube but I think its always been pretty underpowered. Its a 4 drop that you have to untap with, play a 5th land, and have an expensive card in hand to even be able to get value from. To be fair, Urabrask is also a 4 drop that you usually have to untap with to do anything but its a storm enabler and kill condition and, in that deck, you can sometimes cast it and then go off in the same turn.

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