Bulk updates to come on all colours. These updates reflect a change in archetype philosophy, switching from the rigid 10 tricolour builds to a variety of strategies. The support for Bant counters has been removed in favour of more diverse and powerful strategies. Flicker-Bounce, Mono-White Weenie, Temur Blitz (inspired by a Canadian Highlander build), and a minor aggressive white-based tokens deck are amongst these strategies.

Rakshasa Gravecaller, a feature of my first 360 cube, returns as a top-end for midrange and attrition strategies alike. Happy to have it back.

Village Rites and Cling to Dust for additional card draw. Lash of Malice as both Black's first combat trick and a cheap removal spell.

Most cuts here were slow in the environment or supported the already well-positioned Aristocrats deck.