Hello everyone!

Here's the March of the Machine (MOM) update for this cube.

Lots of things to be excited for, so let's jump right in!

.: White :.

Kor Halberd: I expect this equipment to be very good in the context of a multiplayer cube. Vigilance is no joke and the low cost makes this a slam dunk. I looked at possible cuts and Caravan Escort felt underwhelming, not having a sizable reward until level 5 with a total investment of 9 mana.

Bola Slinger: create-your-own Star-Crowned Stag! The added utility from Backup makes this card a bit better than the elk.

Alabaster Host Intercessor: this might be my favorite common from MOM. It's either utility in the early game or removal in the late stages, so it's never dead. Plus, it's a Phyrexian Samurai, which is pretty damn cool. Noble Templar was cut.

.: Blue :.

Preening Champion: a basic flier that creates a token for sacrifice effects or chump blocking. Frost Trickster has thus been replaced as I feel 'stun' effects are less fun to play against.

Moment of Truth: anticipate with extra steps. What I like is that dumping a card in the graveyard enables cards like Stitched Drake or reanimating strategies.

.: Red :.

Furnace Host Charger: I like it better than firebreathing cougar.

Crasmasher Yeti: another landcycling creature! Desert Cerodon played a similar role and was cut.

Coming In Hot: very similar to Furious Below, but one less mana. I think combat tricks should be cheap most of the time, so this should see more play.

.: Black :.

Gloomfang Mauler: a great landcyling creature. 7/7 Menace for 7 is fair. I don't expect this card to be played much for the body but rather its utility. Shambling Attendants is yet another Deathtouch zombie and we can easily cut it even though Delve is fun.

Flitting Guerilla: black doesn't get that many fliers and this one can bring back a creature at the cost of your next draw phase. It seems like an interesting card to me. Urborg Siphon-Mage wasn't that fun to play with since discarding cards is an important cost when you have few ways to truly bank on that like you can see in other cube environments.

.: Green :.

Wildwood Escort: Gravedigger effect in green. The stats are not insane and the battle keyword will be ignored (sadly no common battles!), but I still think this can be valuable. I'm trying losing a potential 6/6 trampler to a utility creature as green already has tons of big bodies but few recursion engines.

Timberland Ancient: the new landcycling creatures are very exciting. For the same mana, I feel like Elvish Aberration is now outclassed by this new shiny creature. Reach is great on top of trample.

.: Colorless/Artifacts/Lands :.

Flywheel Racer: quiz time. What's the difference between a bike and a longboat? Clearly 1 toughness and the ability to tap for mana. Joke aside, I feel like the new vehicle has more utility but worse in combat.