In this update I finally decided to cut to all the cards that were worded in convoluted ways to work in multiplayer commander games. I've enjoyed the recontextualization of powerful effects in a 1v1 format but the novelty has run its course and I'm now focusing on a cleaner draft experience.
Leonin Relic-Warder is back as a weaker but cleaner Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward. The Leonin is playable even when you don't draft Animate Dead to loop from the graveyard, but mostly I got tired of answering questions about the "Choose a Background" text in Abdel in a cube without commanders or backgrounds.
Oreskos Explorer and Cartographer's Hawk are taking a leave from the cube for the aforementioned reason of multiplayer induced complexity. They just have a lot of text compared to traditional uncommons.
I'd like to test out a version of my cube without any of these effects for a while and see the differences but I'm willing to bring Oreskos Explorer back if it's missed.
Felidar Guardian is a powerful blink effect that I've wanted to try in the cube for a while.
Syr Alin, the Lion's Claw is similarly a card I've been waiting to test out as a top-end for aggressive decks.
On Serra's Wings gives a lot of useful keywords and I'm hoping it can counterbalance the potential blowouts of well timed removal spells with raw board impact.
Journey to Nowhere has been in the cube since its inception but I'm more interested in the flexibility of Oblivion Ring and I'd like to have more thematic removal options like Conclave Tribunal.
Daring Waverider suffers from an unfair comparison to Torrential Gearhulk (which I love), but in a peasant environment it matches up quite well with spell quality and creature stats. I hope this otter can bolster creativity in deckbuilding: will it be paired with token production, card draw or cheap removal spells?
Mnemonic Wall has some loops with bounce spells but even in blue spellslinger decks it isn't played anymore. I moved this effect to red creatures as the relatively new Ardent Elementalist and Pinnacle Monk offer better value.
Moon-Circuit Hacker is here because I'm interested in adding one more reward for evasive aggressive strategies. Ninjas have been suffering lately partly because of the dilution that comes with the increase in cube size, partly because of a power increase in other strategies.
Copycrook is unfortunately the only Clone at uncommon with a legible text: the original Clone has only been printed with a gilded symbol and Moritte of the Frost has a lot of trinket text. I figured it was good enough but after seeing it in the packs next to other cards I realized I prefer waiting for a simpler version without this slimey dude as a placeholder.
Stitch Together is taking the place of Diabolic Servitude to make reanimator more explosive but also more demanding. Any midrange deck could play Diabolic Servitude and get pretty good value.
Meanwhile a reanimator player can more reasonably wheel Stitch Together.
Ramosian Greatsword is experimental but it's probably too expensive at 5 mana. I see potential in the substantial buff and evasion it grants. I also appreciate having a bit more convoke in the cube, we'll see if it's enough to earn a permanent spot in the cube.
I'm cutting Rite of the Raging Storm to make the cube easier to parse. An alternate version of this card that only generates a temporary token on your turn without having a weird name requirement could've fit the cube but alas, Rite of the Raging Storm is what we got.
Tunneling Geopede really benefits from the full cycle of landscapes and I believe that the red section needed more direct damage to opponents.
Anax, Hardened in the Forge has a few too many caveats in its effect and is hard to splash in a typically multicolored archetype. Despite my love for the card I clearly see Anax is not the right fit for my cube.
Splinterfright is a super interesting hybrid between payoff and enabler for self mill strategies.
Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter has a sprawling textbox and I don't believe it offers gameplay enjoyable enough to be willing to allow its complexity level.
Fireglass Mentor rewards bloodshed which is exactly what I want to encourage in my Rakdos section.
I don't know how I didn't notice earlier the extremely messy textbox of Oni-Cult Anvil, the combo potential is 100% not worth the likelihood of misplays.
Dreadwing Scavenger plays really well as an evasive looter in a graveyard focused guild. It can patch up disparate archetypes like flyers, ninjas and reanimator.
Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful was promising but also was clearly the worst fitting dimir card.
Baird, Argivian Recruiter is an attempt to include a boros card that will be played over monocolored beaters (challenge level: impossible). I'm hoping that Baird can enable a less aggressive but still board-focused swarm strategy.
It's clear I'm the only player that loves Veteran Motorist and with the removal of the last vehicle from the cube I don't want to include such a misleading card.
Short Bow gives defensive keywords that fit a midrange strategy better than other equipments previously included. This card should cover a new niche in the environment without being a high pick.
Renegade Freighter is powerful but lacks synergy with most of the cube: it ends up set aside to make space for cards that work with the main plan of the final deck.