Its a shark! Its a crab! Its a tapper in simic!

Hi, lately I've been thinking about green removal and I've come to the realization that the 4 green guilds should help lift up the removal density for the color.

By contrast black and red already have plenty of ways to deal with creatures in mono-black or mono-red, so I should trim the removal effects where possible.

Say goodbye to Terminate and welcome back to Blightning!

Also Buried in the Garden doesn't seem great: 4 mana is a lot to pay for a piece of interaction that's exclusively at sorcery-speed.
But I've seen it doing work in both MKM and OTJ limited formats, so I'm willing to give it a chance to shine.
Citadel Castellan was already disliked by some players so it seemed like the easiest cut.

And finally we come back to the Sharktocrab, I love the card and I'm trying to see if its the kind of interaction Simic needs. Decisive Denial was my first choice for this slot but I don't have a copy at hand right now.
Merfolk Skydiver suffers the fate of a perfectly playable multicolor card that doesn't work well in its color pair main archetype, in this case ramp.

Seb McKinnon
FunkyDragon -

Grimdancer is an excellent, flexible card. But I already run Vampire of the Dire Moon, Gifted Aetherborn, and Vampire Nighthawk, which all share design space with Grimdancer. Most of the time, you're going to choose either menace/deathtouch or lifelink/deathtouch, in which case, the Nighthawk is just better. Replacing either of the other two would increase my average cmc, which i try to avoid without good reason.
