Hi all, been tinkering with a new cube focusing on some tribal themes. This cube is a standard 360 cards and has an larger than normal focus on tribal themes. I've always enjoyed putting together a really thematically synergistic deck and trial is a great and fun way to do that while providing clear pathways for those looking to take advantage of them during the drafting phase and still allowing for a lot of variety.
Tribes include goblins, beasts, dragons, spirits, fairies, and elves. Most of these can be built in either mono or multicolored varieties and have sufficient cardpool to support multiple players on at least some level. The tribal cards are obviously better together but oftentimes can serve just fine in a non-tribal deck of the color as well.
If tribal isnt your thing no need to fear--there are plenty of other options including classic RDW, spells matter, +1+1 counters, lifegain, enchantments, reanimator, artifact--in addition to just general control, aggro, and midrange.
Here's a brief breakdown of colors:
Red--Red does what red does best, hits hard and fast with cheap aggressive creatures and spells. Goblins are the primary tribe in red, but beasts and dragons are represented if you're looking bigger. For non-tribal, red is key to a spells matter deck or a classic RDW--and maybe artifacts?
Green--If you like creatures green is your color, with more creatures than any of the other colors and the ramp to get you there green packs a punch. For tribes, green has what will likely prove to be the strongest: elves. Elves give plenty of options with mono-green, green-black, and green-blue variants being potentially viable depending on your inclination. A +1/+1 counter deck is a non-tribal option that can get big fast while you can also look to white for enchantments.
Blue--Plenty of tricks and card drawing to keep your opponents on their toes. Blue supports the spirits and fairies for tribes, but also can combine with red for spells matter or perhaps black to provide some consistency to a nasty reanimator deck. Classic support for control decks is also available.
Black--Black is a very supportive color for tribal themes with fairies, elves, and goblins all represented. But that's not all, black packs some strong removal options as well as potent graveyard interaction---can you get what you need to make it consistent enough? Lifegain synergies are also available for the non-tribe-oriented mage.
White--White if a powerhouse with good removal and solid controlling options. Spirits are the major tribe in white and pack a punch in the air. Plenty of enchantment support and even lifegain to sneak in an unconventional win.
Colorless--Artifacts represent a sizable portion of the cube and serve to augment other strategies as well as come together into a respectable deck on their own (cough, Xander, cough). From fixing to buffing, to spamming tokens artifacts have it all. Don't overlook these potentially valuable additions as you seek to round out your deck or infer what your opponents are up to.
Lands--Lands are purposely somewhat limited, though backup fixing is available in the form of a cycle of myr and keyrunes. If you want a two colored deck you should be all set, but if you want 3+ colors you should priortize fixing appropriately and LIKELY consider going green.