Alpha Through Eldrazi Cube
(358 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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CadenceStP posted to Alpha Through Eldrazi Cube -
Mainboard Changelist+121, -0

Cube Updated - Automatic Post

Mill deck doesn't particularly need Grindstone since its so slow without combo (Painter)
Worship did too many bad things today so it's gone in place of Battle Screech. Solitary confinement should fill the role for enchantress and also has multiple ways to be removed by others or by owner.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

Wild Mongrel doesn't have enough discard synergy in the cube. There is no true madness deck and having a fun game ending spell in Overrun felt like a stronger addition.

Considering the addition of Overrun rather than Biorhythm however I enjoy having unique effects in the cube.
Removal of elf synergy in place of adding an enchantress archetype. Creature and mana ramp can still occur through Rofellos and Scryb Ranger/Quirion Ranger.

Sparksmith felt too narrow while Lumberjack allows explosive starts for aggro decks.
Incinerator removed for fireslinger to help non-goblin based aggro decks.
Fling added to allow for combo plays and instant speed damage.
Anger removed to add artifact removal with damage as a bonus.
Riders felt like a better tempo play and the drawback to dragon mage felt too strong.

Plenty of discard outlets already in the cube. Carnophage helps allow mono black aggro decks.
Zombie infestation is not as good as Bitterblossom and adding a pump knight with pro white helps mono black against white removal.
Smallpox doesn't feel as strong as mutiliate. Having a black board wipe feels like a good option given limited mono colored clearance options.
Tendrils to help further storm or finish off an opponent.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

Not enough artifact creatures to enable his abilities. Capsize fits well with the bouncing of permanents that is becoming a focal point of blue.

Adding more low to the ground creatures so WW has more options. Removal of birds as bird tribal won't fit as I try to include an enchantress archetype. Going back and forth on Enduring Renewal as there would be a need for more creatures to allow a Pebbles style deck.

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1

Too narrow and unlikely to be drafted if in an early pack.

Arcbound and Cranial removed given limited ability to produce a strong artifact deck to maximize value. Sphere aids prison/tax decks and Cauldron allows for infinite mana combo (one of the few true combos in the cube). Ensnaring bridge removed in place of devourer. Devourer for FEB, fling combo, etc.

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