Sudden Death
(73 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (11)
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BNLSPBH posted to Sudden Death -
Mainboard Changelist+2, -0

Testing out some on-board effects.

Mainboard Changelist+2, -0

Hard to evaluate whether these cards would be balanced or simply too powerful.

BNLSPBH posted to Sudden Death -

Is Raging River a fun inclusion?
Mana Crypt broken, or actually terrible?
Is it better to have Drop of Honey in green or have the effect in white with Porphyry Nodes?

Balancing out some of the colours.
Infiltrator il-Kor proved to be too slow.
Spider Umbra was cut to give flying greater relevance, but may be re-added if flying becomes too easy of a win.

BNLSPBH posted to Sudden Death -
Mainboard Changelist+2, -0

Adding some white creatures.

BNLSPBH posted to Sudden Death -

Added some hybrid cards.

Filling out the blue section.

Removed underwhelming cards.
Trying out variants on Shivan Fire.
Trying out Snakeskin Veil as alternative to Stony Strength. Might be too powerful though.
Testing out unusual high-risk, high-reward creatures in Old-Growth Dryads, Hungry Lynx and Tempting Wurm.

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