Handcrafted Pauper Redux Cube
(406 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -1
Maybeboard Changelist+0, -1
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0

Good for mana, good synergy with +1/+1 counters, free untap for ping modifications...

Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
Maybeboard Changelist+0, -0
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0

Instead of/in addition to Archaeomancer? I do already have Ghitu Chronicler...

Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0

Maybe a replacement for Serum Visions?

2 Universal Automaton
2 Crusader of Odric
2 Frost Lynx
Dinrova Horror
Horseshoe Crab
Dragon Egg
Search for Tomorrow
Skyknight Legionnaire
Serum Visions
Amoeboid Changeling
Severed Strands
Travel Preparations
Avian Changeling

  • Cut the (Avian) changeling or give it more support
  • I would cut travel prep because it's a pseudo gold card. you wouldn't take it unless you were already GW
  • Would probably recommend cutting Severed Strands. There are just a lot of other cards that do that thing better and are clearly not too good IMO.
  • Remove ameboid changeling
  • Probably remove Serum Visions from the cube. Low impact
  • I'd recommend eliminating frost lynx - its about as french vanilla as a non-french vanilla creature can get and I like a higher level of complexity in cubes
  • And I think Crusader of osric is the less unique and interesting card here, just a beatstick with no abilities. Eliminate it !
  • Dinrova Horror. I just think low powered cubes are better without cards like this.
  • I would eliminate the Horseshoe crab (unless it has some combo) or the Dragon Egg
  • Universal Automaton. After reading the cube primer I understand why automaton is in the cube but I think that the solve would be to adjust the available companion list rather than putting potentially underpowered cards in the cube.
  • Eliminate: Crusader of Odric & search for Tomorrow
  • Skyknight is fine but very boring and it seems like any other option would be disrupting some synergistic strategy.
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