Cube night is always ~10 people, therefore I am moving up to 450.
I am also adding some unfair strategies to increase story equity:
ALSO breaking singleton on pillars. Big changes!
Grim Bauble is a clean, Disfigure-on-a-rock. Not sure what the right cut is but actual Disfigure seems easiest for now. Losing instant speed removal hurts but I am hoping the surveil makes up for it.
Intimidation Tactics: another conditional one-mana hand attack spell. I think the late game draw of Tactics is simply better than Dreams.
Veteran Beastrider is likely worse than Trostani in all respects, but the card is clean and the pump is a nice reward for some of the wider decks.
Just some cool cards for me to look at.
Lurrus the big hit here. As the only companion, and often a trap for newer drafters, I feel like Lurrus has been a sore spot in the vibeshift that I have held onto for too long. Zoraline is a pushed card but it's a stat beast while doing a similar job (and requiring attacks).
continuing to push the graveyard stuff. i like that swarm works through grave hate.
endurance is the only evoke creature and it has no reminder text.
horned loch whale is just blue card #347
Mostly clean-up of some changes I missed in the digital list along with a couple swaps. I realized this because I bought duplicates of a bunch of cards last night.
Traverse was the card I forgot to add in last update so I fixed it now.
Mockingbird ➡ Horned Loch-Whale
I want to give control some tools again as aggro has been dominant. Loch-Whale is an easy and clean design and Mockingbird is whatever to me.
Thundertrap Trainer ➡ Faebloom Trick
I really do not love the offspring cards and am actively thinking on replacements for them. Faebloom Trick goes great in the prowess and control lists and is clean.
Irencrag Pyromancer ➡ Laelia, the Blade Reforged
I tried to follow Bun down this route as I, too, love Pyromancer but yeah it does not get drafted and does not hang. Laelia is a stone cold staple for me since it was printed and I'm happy to lock it in for now.
Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon ➡ Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath
Uro is probably the card that has been in and out the most, but I think I'm ready to give it the core card status. People groan but it is a goddamn hall of famer to me and where else do I get to play it?
Anim Pakal is fine but I want to cut aggro down a notch and this card does not need to exist alongside the other Rabblemasters.
Manamorphose and Slick Sequence off the back of Andy saying they are Good Cards. Idk what you people want from me i'm shameless
Sphinx of Forgotten Lore - The shop had one yerr
Patchwork Beastie - I really want gruul delirium to shine and this card is cool in lots of decks as a 1 mana free miller (lite)
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd feels bad to play against and I don't enjoy playing with it enough
Gorex, the Tombshell I love this card but it is just holding a slot
Freestrider Lookout - we are free of the crime cards
Prismari Command - too many weak options
some cards i need to think on changes for
Larger update than anticipated!
Continue speeding up games
Improve delirium package
Clean up needless mechanics and text
Stormchaser's Talent and Kumano Faces Kakkazan - 1mv creatures for the prowess deck that also trigger prowess and provide lots of value. Stormchaser's also fits neatly into the control deck as Typhoon 2.
Baleful Mastery and Innocent Blood - Mastery comes in as a great answer for recursive threats and Innocent Blood as a nice cheap edict for control. Trying to let the control decks have a bit easier time dealing with threats so that once they turn the corner, the games end faster.
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar and Sentinel of the Nameless City - Fuck it I love these cards and they do give the midrange deck better options.
Primordial Mist, Torrential Gearhulk, and Gorex, the Tombshell - Better (questionable for Gorex) and more decisive control finishers. Gorex and Gearhulk providing more reasons to get the GY full.
More Manlands - The great Manland update of LCI proved a little too successful as many games came down to Hall or a Restless land dodging all removal. This ground games down to a crawl as the control decks could chill as long as they need to.
Ajani, Nacatl Pariah - This card is just way too busted and any recursion or blinking made it a huge groaner.
Sorry Alex, Murderous Rider is just not it.
Idk what's on the horizon after Foundations. Hoping that provides some powerful and clean options. I think the race set is next? Can't imagine the cube going through much radical change in the next year. I will continue dialing in what works and trying to keep our playgroup happy.
cutting down on some token generation, complexity, and big butts