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The Basement Peasant Cube
(540 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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I've decided that uncommons from the recent Commander Legends sets cross a line of what other uncommons seem willing to be printed as, even compared to higher power designed draft environments like Modern Horizons. I am beginning to think they should be viewed the same as uncommons printed solely in precon products, i.e. not true uncommons. Therefor, I am removing cards printed at uncommon only in those sets. For now, however, I am allowing commons from those sets.

Banishing Light -> Touch the Spirit Realm - more diverse O ring that also serves the blink archetype.
Decisive Denial -> Colossal Skyturtle - I want the multicolor cards to mostly be road signs for the archetypes, and while any u/g deck would probably play both of these, Skyturtle includes a potential payoff for ramping.
Groundskeeper -> Deathbonnet Sprout - I just can't justify the slot Groundskeeper fills when there are new, slightly less anemic cards that recover yard lands.
Shambling Suit -> Towashi Guide-Bot - while I want to support artifacts as an archetype, I do not want middling narrow cards that only that deck wants, and only barely wants.
Vesperlark -> Panicked Bystander - Vesperlark is cute but white has too many 3 drops and fliers, and Vesperlark doesn't directly do anything for any of white's archetypes, the type of card I want to minimize the presence of.
Grim Wanderer -> Fell Stinger - Black is much more value focused in this cube than it is aggro.
Skullport Merchant -> Dockside Chef - same ability, similar stats, two mana less. goes from an anemic 3 drop to fitting in wherever it wants in your curve out.
Lampad of Death's Vigil -> Mold Folk - more or less the same effect but shifts the lifegain to combat instead of another uninteractive combo piece. This is what Magic is about!

Switches not mentioned assumed to be perceived upgrades.

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