This may be the biggest ever single change to the cube. It's been a year since the last time cards came in or out, and I drafted with a ton of new people in that time which gave me a lot of perspective on what was and wasn't working the way I had hoped it would.

Then Wizards released more cards in retro frame treatments, including Shock Lands. I've maintained for a long time that the ABUR duals are more powerful than I want, but something like the shocks wouldn't be. Time to test that theory. Some of the artifacts that got cut are in service of keeping the overall amount and difficulty of fixing somewhat similar. Still don't want it to be too easy. Sundering Titan comes in for the same reason.

Another set of removed cards come from cards with new keywords and no reminder text and cards that mention Planeswalkers. It was mentioned to me that having the word "Planeswalker" on a card doesn't feel era appropriate and I couldn't agree more.

The rest of the changes are very much on vibes. We'll see how many things stay in forever and how many get relegated to the sidelines.

Specific card notes I can provide if someone wants them.

Mainboard Changelist
+0, -0
Maybeboard Changelist
+1, -0
Maybeboard Changelist
+0, -0