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BlogContactMerchandiseDonateGithubRegisterLoginWant to showcase your cube? You can feature it as a reward for donating to Cube Cobra. Find out more.Squares that CubeBy DatahackMagic the Gathering Cube podcast disscussing finer points of all things having to do with the Cube format.Podcast EpisodeDid Someone Say Games?!By Datahack4 months agoThis week the Squares discuss drafting Cris Mono Black Cube, Some Duskmourn Spoilers, and get into some lessons that can be learned from other card games/board games for the purposes of MTG and Cube. ...Podcast EpisodeLand of Milk and HoneyBy Datahack4 months agoThis week the Squares have local Jacob Lubman (Discord: Otterreaver) on to discuss his “Promised Lands” cube, and the unique land draft he incorporates to make lands a larger theme in his cube. Promi...Podcast EpisodeInsert Your Own Title Here:_______By Datahack4 months agoThis week two of the Squares truly rant and ramble away, so call this episode what ever you would like it to be. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about the ...Podcast EpisodeOh The Places Your Draft Will GoBy Datahack5 months agoThis week the Squares discuss an article written by PVDR on some updated thoughts and approaches to Drafting the Hard Way. PVDR Article [https://www.threeforonetrading.com/en/drafting-the-correct-way...Podcast EpisodeFitting Cubes to Your CommunityBy Datahack5 months agoThis week the Squares have back on Jane (Discord: Maramas) to discuss some cube community elements, and some thoughts on healthy cube group maintance and cube planing. “Squares that Cube” is a multi ...Podcast EpisodeIt's So Fluffy, I'm Going to DieBy Datahack5 months agoThis week the Squares have on local Patrick aka Pat (Discord: Pattycakes) to talk some Bloomburrow cards for a number of diffrent cubes, with a good mix of rambling for measure. “Squares that Cube” i...Podcast EpisodeKissed By a PenroseBy Datahack5 months agoThis week the Squares have on Lincoln (Discord: Kapernaumov) to talk about the Penrose cube as well as his upcoming event Capitol Cube Champs. Penrose Cube [https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/penros...Podcast EpisodeWhose Creatures Are Better?By Datahack5 months agoThis week the Squares have on Conner Lavelle (Discord: Sleight) to talk about the world of Pokemon Cube, and we talk about some of the diffrences from the MTG Cube space. Cube Koga [https://cubekoga....Podcast EpisodeJohnny B. GoodeBy Datahack6 months agoThis week the Squares have on local member Ryan Lum to talk about his cube story and talk about his Johnny Combo Cube. Johnny Combo Cube [https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/johnnycombo] “Squares that C...Podcast EpisodeEvery Color, Everywhere, All at OnceBy Datahack6 months agoThis week the Squares dive into Jessie's new and reimproved 5 Color Magix's cube and talk about playing with all the colors of the magical rainbow. 5 Color Magix's [https://cubecobra.com/cube/overvi...Podcast EpisodeBear NecessitiesBy Datahack6 months agoThis week the Squares talk about a number of cube accessories, a non card related cube elements. "Cubey" The Eternal Cube: https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/cubey “Squares that Cube” is a multi d...Podcast EpisodePower for the People, by the PeopleBy Datahack6 months agoThis week the Squares talk about some power outliers and cube descriptions when it comes to Alex's "Cubey" the Eternal Cube. "Cubey" The Eternal Cube: https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/cubey “Squa...Podcast EpisodeCalifornia, Knows How to PartyBy Datahack7 months agoThis week the Squares have on Joe (aka Fandwick) to talk about running and organizing Cali Cube Champs the past 2 years. Joe's Cube List: https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/joescube [https://cubecob...Podcast EpisodeTo Cali and Back Again, A Cubers TaleBy Datahack7 months agoThis week the Squares have on Patrick (aka Pattycakes) to talk about his and Jessie's trip to Cali Cube Champs, and there many adventures along the way. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional pod...Podcast EpisodeIf You Give A Podcaster A MicrophoneBy Datahack7 months agoThis week the Squares have on Noah Aka IslandPonder to talk about Esper Cube, some Cube events, and we go over some MH3 spoilers we have some thoughts on. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional p...Podcast EpisodeThinking Outside the Cube with AquaBy Datahack7 months agoThis week the Squares have on Aqua to talk about the Aquaone Powered v3 cube which players will be drafting at Cali Cube Champs June 1st/ 2nd as well as many other events this year. “Squares that Cub...Podcast EpisodeIndexing the Bodleian CubeBy Datahack8 months agoThis week the Squares have on Jake to talk about the Bodleian cube which players will be drafting at Cali Cube Champs June 1st and 2nd. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we ran...Podcast EpisodeLite Seasoning with Salt and PauperBy Datahack8 months agoThis week the Squares have on Chad of the Salt and Pauper Youtube Channel to talk about his Pauper cube which players will be drafting at Cali Cube Champs June 1st and 2nd. “Squares that Cube” is a ...Podcast EpisodeHe's Beginning to BelieveBy Datahack8 months agoThis week the Squares have on Eliott to discuss the 1/1 cube which players will be drafting at Cali Cube Champs June 1st and 2nd. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ...Podcast EpisodeTea, or Cake, or CubeBy Datahack8 months agoThis week the Squares have on Gwen Dekker, and Ollie Davis to discuss the Boston Cube Party, The Creatureless Cube, Loam Cube, and Tiny Leaders Cube. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcas...Podcast EpisodeEiganjo Drift: Under the HoodBy Datahack9 months agoThis week the Squares have on Austin (Bones/ Aka Luckylooter) to discuss his Eiganjo Drift cube for Cali Cube Champs. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about...Podcast EpisodeDear SquaresBy Datahack9 months agoThis week the Squares talk about some new spoiled cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, and answer some questions sent in by listeners via our shows email. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensiona...Podcast EpisodeDuck, Duck, Swans?By Datahack9 months agoThis week the Squares talk about some new spoiled cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, disscuss some unnormal archtype questions, and some thoughts on changes to their cube philosophies. “Squares ...Podcast EpisodeWhen I Was A Young WarthogBy Datahack9 months agoThis week the Squares talk about some new spoiled cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, and disscuss their introductions to Magic the Gathering and getting into playing Cube. “Squares that Cube” is...Podcast EpisodeFantastic Cube Events, and Where to Find ThemBy Datahack9 months agoThis week we have on Keldan and Aiden to disscus how it was putting on Washington Cube Champs for the first time. Lots of great behind the sceens conversations for puttinig together larger cube events...Podcast EpisodeWe are "Not" the ChampionsBy Datahack10 months agoThis week Ryan interviews Alex and Jessie about their drafts at Washington Cube Champs. While neither of them were the champ, they both had a blast and have some great decks and stories of the event t...Podcast EpisodeFirst Rule of Fight CubeBy Datahack10 months agoThis week Jessie and Alex two man it and theory craft around a new unique cube idea of Jessie's that "doesn't need to be talked about." “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we ran...Podcast EpisodeIm Blue (Da Ba Dee)By Datahack10 months agoThis week we interview Big Kat about his Blue Cube, which will be featured at Washington Cube Champs this upcoming weekend. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble...Podcast EpisodeCoffee Hour with Mother of RunesBy Datahack10 months agoThis week we interview Jane about her Tabletop Cube which will be featured at Washington Cube Champs in just a few week time. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramb...Podcast EpisodeI, For One, Welcome Our New Robot OverlordsBy Datahack11 months ago“Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about the Magic the Gathing Cube Format. The cast is located around the Portland Oregon area and works to promote cube all t...Podcast EpisodeMaking the Fun Good with Max's Raveyard CubeBy Datahack11 months ago“Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about the Magic the Gathing Cube Format. The cast is located around the Portland Oregon area and works to promote cube all t...Podcast Episode1 Pack, 2 Pack, You're Pack, NoneBy Datahack11 months ago“Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about the Magic the Gathing Cube Format. The cast is located around the Portland Oregon area and works to promote cube all t...Podcast EpisodeMinsc and BOO!By Datahack11 months ago“Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about the Magic the Gathing Cube Format. The cast is located around the Portland Oregon area and works to promote cube all t...Podcast EpisodePilot EpisodeBy Datahack12 months ago“Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about the Magic the Gathing Cube Format. The cast is located around the Portland Oregon area and works to promote cube all t...Cube Cobra requires javascript to work. To use the site, please enable javascript in your browser.
Magic the Gathering Cube podcast disscussing finer points of all things having to do with the Cube format.
This week the Squares discuss drafting Cris Mono Black Cube, Some Duskmourn Spoilers, and get into some lessons that can be learned from other card games/board games for the purposes of MTG and Cube. ...
This week the Squares have local Jacob Lubman (Discord: Otterreaver) on to discuss his “Promised Lands” cube, and the unique land draft he incorporates to make lands a larger theme in his cube. Promi...
This week two of the Squares truly rant and ramble away, so call this episode what ever you would like it to be. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about the ...
This week the Squares discuss an article written by PVDR on some updated thoughts and approaches to Drafting the Hard Way. PVDR Article [https://www.threeforonetrading.com/en/drafting-the-correct-way...
This week the Squares have back on Jane (Discord: Maramas) to discuss some cube community elements, and some thoughts on healthy cube group maintance and cube planing. “Squares that Cube” is a multi ...
This week the Squares have on local Patrick aka Pat (Discord: Pattycakes) to talk some Bloomburrow cards for a number of diffrent cubes, with a good mix of rambling for measure. “Squares that Cube” i...
This week the Squares have on Lincoln (Discord: Kapernaumov) to talk about the Penrose cube as well as his upcoming event Capitol Cube Champs. Penrose Cube [https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/penros...
This week the Squares have on Conner Lavelle (Discord: Sleight) to talk about the world of Pokemon Cube, and we talk about some of the diffrences from the MTG Cube space. Cube Koga [https://cubekoga....
This week the Squares have on local member Ryan Lum to talk about his cube story and talk about his Johnny Combo Cube. Johnny Combo Cube [https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/johnnycombo] “Squares that C...
This week the Squares dive into Jessie's new and reimproved 5 Color Magix's cube and talk about playing with all the colors of the magical rainbow. 5 Color Magix's [https://cubecobra.com/cube/overvi...
This week the Squares talk about a number of cube accessories, a non card related cube elements. "Cubey" The Eternal Cube: https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/cubey “Squares that Cube” is a multi d...
This week the Squares talk about some power outliers and cube descriptions when it comes to Alex's "Cubey" the Eternal Cube. "Cubey" The Eternal Cube: https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/cubey “Squa...
This week the Squares have on Joe (aka Fandwick) to talk about running and organizing Cali Cube Champs the past 2 years. Joe's Cube List: https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/joescube [https://cubecob...
This week the Squares have on Patrick (aka Pattycakes) to talk about his and Jessie's trip to Cali Cube Champs, and there many adventures along the way. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional pod...
This week the Squares have on Noah Aka IslandPonder to talk about Esper Cube, some Cube events, and we go over some MH3 spoilers we have some thoughts on. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional p...
This week the Squares have on Aqua to talk about the Aquaone Powered v3 cube which players will be drafting at Cali Cube Champs June 1st/ 2nd as well as many other events this year. “Squares that Cub...
This week the Squares have on Jake to talk about the Bodleian cube which players will be drafting at Cali Cube Champs June 1st and 2nd. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we ran...
This week the Squares have on Chad of the Salt and Pauper Youtube Channel to talk about his Pauper cube which players will be drafting at Cali Cube Champs June 1st and 2nd. “Squares that Cube” is a ...
This week the Squares have on Eliott to discuss the 1/1 cube which players will be drafting at Cali Cube Champs June 1st and 2nd. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ...
This week the Squares have on Gwen Dekker, and Ollie Davis to discuss the Boston Cube Party, The Creatureless Cube, Loam Cube, and Tiny Leaders Cube. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcas...
This week the Squares have on Austin (Bones/ Aka Luckylooter) to discuss his Eiganjo Drift cube for Cali Cube Champs. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about...
This week the Squares talk about some new spoiled cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, and answer some questions sent in by listeners via our shows email. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensiona...
This week the Squares talk about some new spoiled cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, disscuss some unnormal archtype questions, and some thoughts on changes to their cube philosophies. “Squares ...
This week the Squares talk about some new spoiled cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, and disscuss their introductions to Magic the Gathering and getting into playing Cube. “Squares that Cube” is...
This week we have on Keldan and Aiden to disscus how it was putting on Washington Cube Champs for the first time. Lots of great behind the sceens conversations for puttinig together larger cube events...
This week Ryan interviews Alex and Jessie about their drafts at Washington Cube Champs. While neither of them were the champ, they both had a blast and have some great decks and stories of the event t...
This week Jessie and Alex two man it and theory craft around a new unique cube idea of Jessie's that "doesn't need to be talked about." “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we ran...
This week we interview Big Kat about his Blue Cube, which will be featured at Washington Cube Champs this upcoming weekend. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble...
This week we interview Jane about her Tabletop Cube which will be featured at Washington Cube Champs in just a few week time. “Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramb...
“Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about the Magic the Gathing Cube Format. The cast is located around the Portland Oregon area and works to promote cube all t...
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