Welcome to The Delirium Cube! This cube is a 360 card lower-powered synergy cube that encourages players to have a variety of card types either on the field or in the graveyard for effects such as delirium.
This cube takes a lot of inspiration from sets like DSK, NEO, and SOI block and their unique attention to the graveyard as well as their large density of artifact and enchantment synergies. I've always enjoyed the layer of complexity that the delirium mechanic adds to drafting and deck building, and wondered what that would look like on a larger scale in a cube. My hope is that this cube will create some unique build-arounds and synergies that lead to an interesting draft experience.
Just as a quick reminder, here is a list of the 9 card types and how many of them are in the cube!
*Creature: 152
*Land: 60 (excluding basics of course)
*Enchantment: 66
*Artifact: 67
*Instant: 52
*Sorcery: 33
*Planeswalker: 2
*Kindred (formally known as Tribal on older cards): 4
*Battle: 1
You will want to pay attention for some card types that will be harder to notice (see examples above).
*Minimal "gotcha" graveyard effects- I intentionally avoided effects like unearth, or instant speed removal spells with flashback to avoid these kind of feel-bad moments. Graveyard-based sets are amazing but one of my pet peeves is when the graveyards get so large you forget your opponent has a spell in there from 10 turns ago.
*Ways to break through a board stall- formats like these can tend to be pretty grindy, and my hope is that the aggroo decks have enough evasion to break through a board stall against some of the slower decks.
*Minimal power outliers- funny enough, a lot of older bulk rares tend to mesh pretty well with the commons and uncommons from todays sets. While there are some cool effects and delirium cards I'm missing out on, I'd like to keep the power outliers to a minimum and keep it feeling like a cube rather than a booster draft.
*No mass graveyard removal- you will not find cards like scavenging ooze, sorry.