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Mana Value
Foil overlaySolitude
Foil overlayDauntless Bodyguard
Foil overlayEsper Sentinel
Foil overlayGiver of Runes
Foil overlayIsamaru, Hound of Konda
Foil overlayMardu Woe-Reaper
Foil overlayMother of Runes
Foil overlayRecruitment Officer
Foil overlaySkymarcher Aspirant
Foil overlaySoldier of the Pantheon
Foil overlayStudent of Warfare
Foil overlayUsher of the Fallen
Foil overlayVenerable Knight
Foil overlayAdanto Vanguard
Foil overlayCathar Commando
Foil overlayKor Skyfisher
Foil overlayRemorseful Cleric
Foil overlaySeasoned Hallowblade
Foil overlaySelfless Spirit
Foil overlayStoneforge Mystic
Foil overlayThalia, Guardian of Thraben
Foil overlayBlade Splicer
Foil overlayBrimaz, King of Oreskos
Foil overlayFlickerwisp
Foil overlayLoran of the Third Path
Foil overlayMonastery Mentor
Foil overlayRecruiter of the Guard
Foil overlaySkyclave Apparition
Foil overlayFelidar Guardian
Foil overlayHero of Bladehold
Foil overlayPalace Jailer
Foil overlayRestoration Angel
Seasoned Dungeoneer
Foil overlayKarmic Guide
Foil overlaySun Titan
Foil overlayElesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
Foil overlayGideon, Ally of Zendikar
The Wandering Emperor
Foil overlayElspeth, Sun's Champion
Foil overlayEnlightened Tutor
Foil overlayEphemerate
Foil overlayMana Tithe
Foil overlayPath to Exile
Foil overlaySwords to Plowshares
Foil overlayFateful Absence
Foil overlayMarch of Otherworldly Light
Foil overlayUnexpectedly Absent
Foil overlayPrismatic Ending
Foil overlayBalance
Foil overlayCouncil's Judgment
Foil overlayArmageddon
Foil overlayWrath of God
Foil overlayTouch the Spirit Realm
Foil overlayLeyline Binding
Foil overlayCave of the Frost Dragon
Foil overlayKarakas
Foil overlayBaral, Chief of Compliance
Foil overlayFaerie Mastermind
Foil overlayJace, Vryn's Prodigy
Foil overlayLedger Shredder
Foil overlayMagical Hacker
Foil overlaySnapcaster Mage
Foil overlayArcane Artisan
Foil overlayDeceiver Exarch
Foil overlayHullbreacher
Foil overlayPestermite
Foil overlaySpellseeker
Foil overlayTrue-Name Nemesis
Foil overlayVendilion Clique
Foil overlaySower of Temptation
Foil overlayUrza, Lord High Artificer
Foil overlayMeloku the Clouded Mirror
Foil overlayMulldrifter
Foil overlayPalinchron
Foil overlayNarset, Parter of Veils
Foil overlayJace, the Mind Sculptor
Foil overlayTezzeret the Seeker
Foil overlayDaze
Foil overlayForce of Negation
Foil overlayForce of Will
Foil overlayGush
Ancestral Recall
Foil overlayBrainstorm
Foil overlayMystical Tutor
Foil overlayRepeal
Foil overlayArcane Denial
Foil overlayBrain Freeze
Foil overlayBrazen Borrower
Foil overlayCounterspell
Foil overlayMana Drain
Foil overlayMiscalculation
Foil overlayRemand
Foil overlayFrantic Search
Foil overlayIntuition
Foil overlayThirst for Knowledge
Foil overlayCryptic Command
Foil overlayFact or Fiction
Foil overlayGitaxian Probe
Foil overlayPonder
Foil overlayPreordain
Time Walk
Foil overlayTinker
Foil overlayEcho of Eons
Time Spiral
Foil overlayUpheaval
Foil overlayOpposition
Foil overlayTreachery
Foil overlayShark Typhoon
Foil overlayHall of Storm Giants
Foil overlayOtawara, Soaring City
Tolarian Academy
Foil overlayGrief
Foil overlayBloodsoaked Champion
Foil overlayDread Wanderer
Foil overlayEvolved Sleeper
Foil overlayGravecrawler
Foil overlayGutterbones
Foil overlayPutrid Imp
Foil overlayDark Confidant
Foil overlayOona's Prowler
Foil overlayOrcish Bowmasters
Foil overlayPack Rat
Foil overlayScrapheap Scrounger
Foil overlayVampire Hexmage
Foil overlayMurderous Rider
Foil overlayOpposition Agent
Foil overlaySedgemoor Witch
Foil overlayRavenous Chupacabra
Foil overlaySheoldred, the Apocalypse
Foil overlayYawgmoth, Thran Physician
Foil overlayShriekmaw
Foil overlayGrave Titan
Archon of Cruelty
Foil overlayGriselbrand
Foil overlayLiliana of the Veil
Foil overlayLiliana, the Last Hope
Snuff Out
Foil overlayDark Ritual
Foil overlayEntomb
Foil overlayFatal Push
Foil overlayVampiric Tutor
Foil overlayCabal Ritual
Shallow Grave
Foil overlayBloodchief's Thirst
Foil overlayImperial Seal
Foil overlayReanimate
Foil overlayThoughtseize
Foil overlayCollective Brutality
Foil overlayDemonic Tutor
Foil overlayExhume
Foil overlayHymn to Tourach
Foil overlaySmallpox
Foil overlayToxic Deluge
Foil overlayYawgmoth's Will
Foil overlayBeseech the Mirror
Foil overlayTendrils of Agony
Foil overlayLiving Death
Foil overlayMind Twist
Foil overlayWishclaw Talisman
Foil overlayAnimate Dead
Foil overlayBitterblossom
Dance of the Dead
Recurring Nightmare
Foil overlayHive of the Eye Tyrant
Volrath's Stronghold
Foil overlayFury
Foil overlaySimian Spirit Guide
Foil overlayBomat Courier
Foil overlayDragon's Rage Channeler
Foil overlayFalkenrath Gorger
Foil overlayGoblin Guide
Foil overlayGoblin Welder
Foil overlayGrim Lavamancer
Foil overlayMonastery Swiftspear
Foil overlayRagavan, Nimble Pilferer
Foil overlayZurgo Bellstriker
Foil overlayBonecrusher Giant
Foil overlayEmbereth Shieldbreaker
Foil overlayFlametongue Yearling
Foil overlayGoblin Cratermaker
Foil overlayKari Zev, Skyship Raider
Foil overlayRobber of the Rich
Foil overlayYoung Pyromancer
Foil overlayBirgi, God of Storytelling
Foil overlayFable of the Mirror-Breaker
Foil overlayGoblin Rabblemaster
Foil overlayImperial Recruiter
Foil overlaySeasoned Pyromancer
Foil overlaySquee, Dubious Monarch
Foil overlayHellrider
Foil overlayKiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Foil overlayZealous Conscripts
Foil overlayInferno Titan
Foil overlayChandra, Torch of Defiance
Foil overlayDaretti, Scrap Savant
Foil overlayFireblast
Foil overlayBurst Lightning
Foil overlayLightning Bolt
Foil overlayAbrade
Foil overlayDesperate Ritual
Foil overlayIncinerate
Foil overlayPyretic Ritual
Foil overlaySeething Song
Foil overlayThrough the Breach
Foil overlayChain Lightning
Foil overlayFaithless Looting
Foil overlayFirebolt
Foil overlayRift Bolt
Foil overlayArc Trail
Foil overlayWheel of Fortune
Foil overlayFiery Confluence
Foil overlayDevil's Play
Foil overlayWildfire
Foil overlayUnderworld Breach
Foil overlayMana Flare
Foil overlaySulfuric Vortex
Foil overlaySneak Attack
Foil overlaySplinter Twin
Foil overlayDen of the Bugbear
Foil overlayShatterskull Smashing
Foil overlayEndurance
Foil overlayArbor Elf
Foil overlayBirds of Paradise
Foil overlayDelighted Halfling
Foil overlayElvish Mystic
Foil overlayFyndhorn Elves
Foil overlayGilded Goose
Foil overlayHaywire Mite
Foil overlayHexdrinker
Foil overlayJoraga Treespeaker
Foil overlayLlanowar Elves
Foil overlayFauna Shaman
Foil overlayLotus Cobra
Foil overlayOutland Liberator
Foil overlayRofellos, Llanowar Emissary
Foil overlaySakura-Tribe Elder
Foil overlayScavenging Ooze
Foil overlayTarmogoyf
Foil overlayCourser of Kruphix
Foil overlayEternal Witness
Foil overlayManglehorn
Foil overlayRamunap Excavator
Foil overlayReclamation Sage
Foil overlayTireless Tracker
Foil overlayFoundation Breaker
Foil overlayOracle of Mul Daya
Foil overlayPolukranos, World Eater
Foil overlayQuesting Beast
Foil overlayDeep Forest Hermit
Foil overlayDeranged Hermit
Foil overlayPrimeval Titan
Foil overlayHornet Queen
Foil overlayTitan of Industry
Foil overlayCraterhoof Behemoth
Foil overlayWoodfall Primus
Foil overlayWorldspine Wurm
Foil overlayWrenn and Realmbreaker
Foil overlayGarruk Wildspeaker
Foil overlayNissa, Who Shakes the World
Force of Vigor
Foil overlayChannel
Foil overlayRegrowth
Foil overlayKodama's Reach
Foil overlayNatural Order
Foil overlaySymbol Status
Foil overlayGreen Sun's Zenith
Foil overlayFinale of Devastation
Foil overlayTooth and Nail
Foil overlayBirthing Pod
Foil overlaySurvival of the Fittest
Foil overlaySylvan Library
Song of the Dryads
Foil overlayBoseiju, Who Endures
Foil overlayGaea's Cradle
Foil overlayLair of the Hydra
Foil overlayAzorius Signet
Talisman of Progress
Foil overlayTeferi, Time Raveler
Foil overlayFractured Identity
Foil overlayTeferi, Hero of Dominaria
Foil overlayBaleful Strix
Foil overlayDimir Signet
Talisman of Dominance
Foil overlayTezzeret, Agent of Bolas
Foil overlayThe Scarab God
Foil overlayRakdos Cackler
Foil overlayRakdos Signet
Talisman of Indulgence
Foil overlayDaretti, Ingenious Iconoclast
Foil overlayKolaghan's Command
Foil overlayKird Ape
Foil overlayGruul Signet
Foil overlayManamorphose
Talisman of Impulse
Foil overlayWrenn and Six
Foil overlayAvacyn's Pilgrim
Foil overlayDryad Militant
Foil overlaySelesnya Signet
Talisman of Unity
Foil overlayKnight of Autumn
Foil overlayDamn
Foil overlayOrzhov Signet
Foil overlayTalisman of Hierarchy
Foil overlayLingering Souls
Foil overlayVindicate
Foil overlayIzzet Signet
Foil overlayTalisman of Creativity
Foil overlayDack Fayden
Foil overlayLutri, the Spellchaser
Foil overlaySaheeli Rai
Foil overlayAssassin's Trophy
Foil overlayGolgari Signet
Foil overlayLife // Death
Foil overlayTalisman of Resilience
Foil overlayGrist, the Hunger Tide
Foil overlayFigure of Destiny
Foil overlayBoros Signet
Foil overlayTalisman of Conviction
Foil overlayWear // Tear
Foil overlayComet, Stellar Pup
Foil overlaySimic Signet
Foil overlayTalisman of Curiosity
Foil overlayOko, Thief of Crowns
Foil overlayUro, Titan of Nature's Wrath
Foil overlayHydroid Krasis
Foil overlayNoble Hierarch
Foil overlaySphinx of the Steel Wind
Ignoble Hierarch
Foil overlayWild Nacatl
Foil overlayWarden of the First Tree
Foil overlayTasigur, the Golden Fang
Foil overlayOmnath, Locus of Creation
Foil overlayAtraxa, Grand Unifier
Foil overlayGolos, Tireless Pilgrim
Foil overlayHangarback Walker
Foil overlayWalking Ballista
Foil overlayOrnithopter of Paradise
Foil overlayPhyrexian Revoker
Foil overlayPorcelain Legionnaire
Foil overlayPhyrexian Metamorph
Foil overlayCogwork Librarian
Foil overlaySolemn Simulacrum
Foil overlayWurmcoil Engine
Foil overlayMyr Battlesphere
Foil overlayBlightsteel Colossus
Foil overlayEmrakul, the Aeons Torn
Foil overlaySundering Titan
Foil overlayUlamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Foil overlayUgin, the Spirit Dragon
Foil overlayDismember
Black Lotus
Foil overlayChrome Mox
Lion's Eye Diamond
Foil overlayLotus Petal
Foil overlayMana Crypt
Foil overlayMaze of Ith
Foil overlayMishra's Bauble
Foil overlayMox Diamond
Mox Emerald
Mox Jet
Mox Pearl
Mox Ruby
Mox Sapphire
Foil overlayCurrency Converter
Foil overlayMana Vault
Foil overlayManifold Key
Foil overlayRetrofitter Foundry
Foil overlaySensei's Divining Top
Foil overlayShadowspear
Foil overlaySkullclamp
Foil overlaySol Ring
Foil overlayGrim Monolith
Foil overlaySmuggler's Copter
Time Vault
Foil overlayUmezawa's Jitte
Foil overlayWinter Orb
Foil overlayCoalition Relic
Foil overlaySword of Fire and Ice
Foil overlaySword of Forge and Frontier
Foil overlayWorn Powerstone
Foil overlayThe One Ring
Foil overlayThran Dynamo
Foil overlayBatterskull
Foil overlayMemory Jar
Foil overlayKaldra Compleat
Foil overlayBackup Plan
Foil overlayWorldknit
Foil overlayAncient Tomb
Foil overlayArid Mesa
Foil overlayAsh Barrens
Foil overlayBlood Crypt
Foil overlayBloodstained Mire
Foil overlayBreeding Pool
Foil overlayCity of Ass
Foil overlayCity of Brass
Foil overlayEvolving Wilds
Foil overlayFabled Passage
Foil overlayFlooded Strand
Foil overlayGodless Shrine
Foil overlayHallowed Fountain
Foil overlayIndatha Triome
Foil overlayJetmir's Garden
Foil overlayKetria Triome
Library of Alexandria
Foil overlayMana Confluence
Foil overlayMarsh Flats
Mishra's Workshop
Foil overlayMisty Rainforest
Foil overlayOvergrown Tomb
Foil overlayPolluted Delta
Foil overlayPrismatic Vista
Foil overlayRaffine's Tower
Foil overlayRaugrin Triome
Foil overlaySacred Foundry
Foil overlaySavai Triome
Foil overlayScalding Tarn
Foil overlaySpara's Headquarters
Foil overlaySteam Vents
Foil overlayStomping Ground
Foil overlayStrip Mine
Foil overlayTemple Garden
Foil overlayTerramorphic Expanse
Tropical Island
Underground Sea
Foil overlayUrza's Saga
Foil overlayVerdant Catacombs
Volcanic Island
Foil overlayWasteland
Foil overlayWatery Grave
Foil overlayWindswept Heath
Foil overlayWooded Foothills
Foil overlayXander's Lounge
Foil overlayZagoth Triome
Foil overlayZiatora's Proving Ground
Foil overlayGenerous Ent
Foil overlayLórien Revealed
Foil overlayOliphaunt
Foil overlayTroll of Khazad-dûm