In today's release, we've mostly fixed a few critical issues with the site around top cards and cube searching. The previous paradigms for both these pages turned out to not be scalable, and poorly utilized our database. Top Cards has been reworked to not even touch the database now, by utilizing some cached information, and should work perfectly. Cube search has been reworked completely as well, using the keyword indexing capabilities of our database. I'll still keep a close eye on cube search latencies, but I believe it should be significantly improved. I've also added a new way to search for cubes: tags. If you have a tag on your cube (set in overview), you can now click that tag to see all cubes with that tag. If you haven't tagged your cube yet, go try it out! It's potentially a great way for other users to find your cube with a specific theme!
We've also added a long-requested feature of popularity sort and filter. This value is a percentage of cubes a card is included in. You can also filter cards by cube count and pick count, by using the numerical filters pickcount and cubecount.
Another big improvement we made is an integration with Patreon. On your account information page, you can now find a tab to link your Cube Cobra account with your Patreon account. Currently, this won't accomplish anything, but we have plans to add some extra perks to patrons, like a cosmetic name alteration across the site to mirror our discord roles, and also a fully automated featured cube queue. I want to be clear, we will not ever put any cube curation features behind a paywall. The only patron only features will be either cosmetic, or related to amplifying exposure, such as the featured cube queue. We are also exploring the possibility of putting ads on certain pages to help cover our rising infrastructure costs, being a patron will automatically hide these, if we decide to move forward in that direction.
New Features:
I think anonymous drafting is broken. I get the error:
"Cannot read property 'id' of null
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null
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