Short and Sweet Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

The extort/siphon sisters deck is cool, but Knight of Obligation is just not up to power level at this current point in the cube.

Siege Rhino would've felt too strong when I was initially feeling out a vision for this cube, but now I think it seems completely fine. A good reward for splashing green in WB.

Tolaria West is too niche. I don't know if Evolving Wilds is quite the card I want instead? But for now it'll do.

I'd like Trinket Mage to be able to go get some land tutors, so Wanderer's Twig and Exp Map are going in.

Alloy Myr is going out. I think Mana Geode is a little better for this creature-heavy cube? But hard to say.

IDK if Jade Mage is strong enough for this version of the cube, but I've always liked the card and it certainly fits the spirit.

Tower Gargoyle is going to run into a deathtoucher all day long.

Disciple of Bolas is to give the Greater Good/Fling decks another thing to do, maybe justify the vanilla 9/3 a little longer.

Thud can go out with Disciple going in, it's just so much worse when Fling is a sorcery.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

it needs at least one more thing to go get.

When you can't maindecking your own pet cards... a flying Hill Giant just isn't what it used to be, and UG is doing more powerful things.

Tower Gargoyle and Fleetfoot Dancer are on watch, though with the right mana, at least they have square PT.

Trinket Mage in so that whoever goes for Longbow/Crab can reliably find it.

Undying Rage might be good? But it never feels like what red wants to do. It's just Goodstuff, a fair Rancor.

Spikeshot is a weird 'in' when that comes out, but plenty of things to boost its power.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

Bolt Hound just doesn't quite do enough for a 3 drop. Boarding Party goes in for a Big Red goodstuff type card.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

There are so many cards in here like Wee Dragonauts, including a functional reprint that also counts the cube's 16 wizards.

IDK if dragonauts, mercurial geists, or chandra's spitfire is the right cut, but probably geists since this cube has so many powerful 4s.

Third Path is going in to give that deck a go-wide option.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

White already has a 2/10 at this same cost for the Doran deck, so a 1/7 feels really niche.

Reprieve is a weird card, basically Remand in white, but I don't think I mind things being off color pie, as long as they're simple.

Distortion Strike is a hard cut - fun deck, but that deck has enough other cards, and if nobody is spellslinger, it's not needed.

Crocanura is a darling, but there's so many threes. Ditto

Fyndhorn - might be worse than Llanowar Tribe, but oh well.

Cloudreader - just destined to be last-picked, not the 5 you ever want.

Rakdos Shred-Freak - I don't think I have a black aggro deck, making this card a trap. As it's not that good in Jund.

I think the cards coming in all are classics that need no explanation.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

This one I'm not sure about, but Lightning Angel is VERY close to Mantis Rider, and we don't need two jeskai cards doing the exact same thing.

I'd like to lower the creature count a bit and up the artifact count, and Sphere seems like a good way to do that.

I probably only need one of these, but let's add two for now, since I think that's more exciting.

Baleful Strix in, Tidehollow Out. I think Tidehollow is strong enough, but dimir is so empty, let's get a card in here that's a big payoff for playing that color combo.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

With the addition of the hatebears, there's just so many twos.

True french vanilla card goes out, power creep goes up. Probably a good idea to rename the cube - and possibly branch it, even?

I think a TRUE french vanilla version would be a fun building exercise, but this concise cube is going to be more fun to play.

I'd like a white deck that the people who don't want to play tribal cats can play, so adding Angelic Renewal for the Blink deck, and Prison plus some hatebears for tax. Might be too many two's.

Walker and Smokebraider out until I find more elementals that genuinely benefit from Smokebraider.

Dismisser in because somehow blue only had one six mana creature?

Adding in support for the Rosheen X-Matters package. All cards that should be good on their own. Stonecoil could get swapped for Endless One if it proves too strong, but I like the idea of a colorless first pick.

Wurmcalling, Gelatinous Genesis, and Awaken The Woods chosen over creatures, to better enable Muraganda Petroglyphs and proliferate. (Vanilla Tokens are something we still want more of.)

Thrashing Brontodon is on watch - it's a really good body for the cost, but there aren't that many non-mana activated abilities in the cube. If it didn't have 5 toughness, it'd be out.

Smokebraider is really on the chopping block, but I think it stays alive, along with Fusion Elemental. Another pet card it ironically helps cast.

Not worrying about color balance at this exact moment - I'll sort that out when more adds/cuts are done.

It just doesn't feel right to have a cube with "Vanilla" in the name but no Muraganda Petroglpyhs. If vanilla creatures aren't good enough, then tokens will have to support it.

White Suns = cats and tokens, gives tribal an extension.
Gavony Township = a bit of a pet land, but it was absolutely cracked in limited.
Growing Ranks = This will need some more 3/3 and 4/4 token support to make sense. Call of the Herd also going in, should help.

Sigiled Paladin, Deft Duelist, Stormfront Pegasus = white has too many hard-to-cast 2's. All of these could come back in if the cube's power level goes down.
Aegis Turtle: Wasn't playing this even in the Doran deck, not worth a 4th color.
Venomous Changeling: Can come back in if we get a vampire/zombie tribal subtheme, right now doesn't do much.

Saying goodbye to glyphs in a french vanilla cube feels weird, but the 10 or so vanilla cards are among the weakest in the cube, and they don't really share colors.

Adjusting the power level a bit. Doom Whisperer is not exactly an overpowered cube card, but it does for 5cmc what black should be doing for 6, in this environment.

Cutting some vampires, and more will need to go. I think these made sense at one point with a tribal lord, but they are not strong enough on their own.

I don't mind adding a busted card like Thoughtseize, because it mostly enables fair games.

I am aware I cut 4 creatures for 4 non-creatures, we'll see if that hurts anything.

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