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Syz's Wizard Tower
(425 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Alan Pollack
Syz54 -

Hey @Alveric, sorry I'm just seeing this message now. Thanks for checking out the tower, it has been fun to work on and continue to maintain since creating it. To answer your question, with all the cards currently incorporated, the power level is at a good spot. Most of the games last 8-10 turns and usually involve a win by combat. One of the things it has going for it is the randomness of whatever the tower flips over.
Right now I'm just trying to figure out what is the right amount of lands to include in it. I might try to remove some as a lot of the games have been land heavy.

Mitchell Malloy
Alveric -

Hey! I have been very curious about the Wizard's Tower format and was delighted to come across your build. This seems sick! How does it play at such a power level?

Syz54 posted to Syz's Wizard Tower -

Right now I have been working on collecting most of the actual cards that remain proxied. Once I have everything minus the moxen and duals, I will start the push to 500, which will be the final card count of the tower.
After that, it will turn to tuning and rotating cards out.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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